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Old 05-28-2007, 06:24 PM   #22
Originally Posted by Cindy
My snake gave birth a suprise unmated birth to 15 eggs last year but due to her timing ( I was on the way to the airport for a two week holiday) they were not viable but veined, she is now showing signs of being gravid again, still no chance of being mated, what are the chances of the eggs being viable? also at what time after you can feel the eggs are the snakes are they likey to be born (I put a nest box in now just in case) I'm not sure I want babies but want to give them the best chance and will source an incubator. But wow! two maybe? clutches with parentthogenis(sp) wow!
This may start something but I first have two questions for you. 1 - do you cohabitate your snakes and 2 are you sure that both snakes are female? Are you positive that they were viable last year and not just started looking ok and then actually weren't? I know it's possible for eggs to look good at first but then definately go bad and not actually be fertile. I am interested to see what some of the people that have been breeding longer think though.
