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Old 02-12-2017, 09:50 AM   #27
Originally Posted by Rich Z View Post
The above quote kind of has been coming to mind lately, I guess what you are telling me is that you will be pissed at me too if I have to let this site go because everyone abandoned it. Quite frankly, that other site most certainly faced what this site is facing now, which is simply a lack of participation from the membership. So they were expected to just keep the site running, regardless of the fact that people had just stopped using it? What were their alternatives?

And in like vein, what do you all expect from me considering the projected future of this site? Take a look at the stats page I will attach below showing the statistics for posts made per month from January, 2010 thru January, 2017. The PEAK for this site was actually between 2009 and 2010, by the way. But if you were in my shoes what would you predict the situation will be like here 5 years from today? And what would YOU do about it?
I can't say I know much about BB, but surely there must be some way to transfer an archive of the forums. I would happily host a searchable archive to preserve the history recorded here. Obviously some things are already lost, with the very oldest attachments having gone missing and dead links galore, but there are some things here which I doubt are recorded anywhere else. I suppose it's not wholly necessary to keep that history, but I know I've learned a lot from it.