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Old 08-13-2021, 02:34 AM   #24
All the clutches are hatched!

The 4 eggs from my poor A'ghrian hatched out some of the worst expression diffuseds ever XD 3 are healthy, one has a short, kinked tail and was born with a prolapsed hemipene. He's eating well so far though.

The clutch from Moose appears to have given me only 2 more mystery-hypo things, out of 11 eggs. Not great odds but not utterly terrible.

Bansidhe has, sadly, proven to be 'merely' a ghost lavender het for charcoal.
Clutch totals for those 14 eggs were: 6 hypos, 5 phantoms, 2 normals, 1 charcoal. Hypomelanism was having a bloody field day with this clutch.