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Old 01-26-2020, 12:24 AM   #25
Baby corn not eating

I've been reading your posts and really appreciate the tips on how to help non-feeders. We have had our baby corn snake for 16 days. I've tried to feed it 7 times with no success. These are the techniques I've tried so far (I always offer feedings at night, when the house is dark and quiet. We leave the room immediately so it's not bothered by our presence):

-I tried putting our snake in the small container that we brought it home in with the pinky, but it just slithered out and seemed upset that I was trying to put it back in.
-I also tried putting it in a paper bag with the mouse, but I feel bad pulling the snake out of its hide to try to make it eat. That seems to stress it out more.
-It also seems uncomfortable and shies away when I tried to tease feed.
-I've punctured the brain and left the mouse for the snake to find.
-I've even tried putting the mouse inside the hide with the snake, so I wouldn't have to pull the snake out and disturb it.
-My last attempt per the reptile store's suggestion was a live pinky. I left it in the tank for over 24 hours, but the snake showed no interest.

We did have a temperature issue (too hot) the first 5-6 days in, but have since gotten a new heater and temp regulator. The temperature is now right where it should be. We have not been handling the snake, accept when we had to switch out the under tank heater. So the snake has now been in an undisturbed habitat with correct temps for a week and a half.

Our best guess is that the snake is 6-8 weeks old. At what point should I start to get really concerned about the snakes refusal to feed? How often should I be attempting to feed the snake? I keep seeing the suggestion about feeding in a deli-cup and was wondering if that is with or without the lid?

Thank you in advance for your help.