Thread: Not Eating
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Old 03-04-2022, 01:38 PM   #27
For clarity, I see that you said it's a separate box. I'm asking if the box is within his enclosure. Also, is it enclosed? What size is it? It should be quite small, like an 8-10 oz deli cup. His viv should be placed out of the way in a quiet room until he's feeding regularly.

Before the next attempt in 2-3 days, you might try putting Win inside the feeding enclosure about an hour before you plan to feed. Just about sunset is often the best time to feed. When the pinky is ready, put it inside the feeding container and close him with it. Cover it so that he's alone with the warm (not hot - should feel about like the temp of the skin of your wrist) meal in the dark. Leave him alone for an hour. Check on him and if he hasn't eaten, reheat and return the pinky. Cover him and leave him overnight.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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