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Old 06-06-2005, 12:03 AM   #30
Originally Posted by Mary-Beth is KoRny
Can someone please show me where he "bashed" here?
I don't see it

While I agree that there have been MANY times when joe has come off WAY to strong, I don't agree that this is one of them. In fact, he didn't get aggressive until he was attacked in the post after the one I quoted.
I feel like some people have made up their minds that he is a jack*ss in every post he makes, and they interpret his tone in a way that he didn't mean it to be. Tone is extremely hard to get across when you're typing.

Okke, everyone has given you good advise. I hope you follow some of it instead of just going on the way you have been because you're "not a beginner". I've seen some of the most experienced breeders here asking for advise, it just shows that everyone needs help from time to time.

Thanks, I appreciate the 'support'. I understand that many times I come off as being too harsh, or rude, or without tact, but that was not the intent here at all.

Too many people read something, interpret it their own way, and then jump. You cannot 'read' tone or intent, so judging one's tone/intent online is a tricky game.

Can't please em all. I'm not going to get worked up about it.