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For Sale . . . or Not.

I love the amel motley and snow motley. I'm gonna have to wait till I have some more money. :) I hope you sell them soon so I don't have to look at them anymore.
When will you have some Bloodreds avail? LOL!
Is now soon enough?
The following are now still available:
$180 0.1 '08 Bloodred poss het Hypo Lavender


Hey Brent, you think you'll have any Bloodreds het Anery this year? ;)
I do not have any combinations like that in the works this year. As much as I'd love to get an Anery Bloodred, nothing I've seen to date matches the quality I've seen, or have, in a Pewter. I like dark and "smooth". :shrugs:

Brent, you tease!! ;) That's a gorgeous snake... so, so gorgeous...You know my birthday is coming up, right? And that you need to send me a free snake as a gift..... ;) ;) ;)
I really like that snake, Brent. And I absolutely cannot tell you why.
Hmmm...pewter...even looks like old silver. Looks clean and soft.
Yeah, there's not a single Anery Bloodred that I've ever seen that even comes close to 1/2 as nice as this:

Is that girl "Hotsauce" I have from you related to this one?

ps) This is turning into the longest ( DYK) of for sale threads on here...

pps) I always thought that pewter were one of the most aptly named morphs.
Is that girl "Hotsauce" I have from you related to this one?

ps) This is turning into the longest ( DYK) of for sale threads on here..
Kyle, no she's not. This guy hasn't sired any clutches yet. I'm beginning to think that he "doesn't like the girls". :shrugs:

I really like that snake, Brent. And I absolutely cannot tell you why.
He doesn't really elicit the "licking" temptation does he?!

The Blue Bowl just makes this picture pop!;):D
Incredible looking snake Brent as always.
I can't take breeding credit on this one. He's from Don who sent me exactly what I requested, a dark Pewter, as a hatchling.

I find sucking up works extremely well... Cook a nice dinner, rub his feet, watch his favorite TV show with him, that kind of thing... Then ever so gently and sweetly broach the subject. ;) Usually works for me! :D Good luck, you won't be disappointed if you get any of Brent's snakes. Not in the least. :cool:
LOL wish those worked! :) I can't cook and HATE feet! :) But we been watching... Star trek..? Lol I hate that show ugh Yea, I dont think he'd have a issue other then we dont have 180 for one plus a tank right now :(
Star Trek is awesome.... ;)

You wouldn't necessary need a tank, tubs work extremely well and are fairly cheap (check at Walmart). I recommend the ones that latch, the lids are more sturdy. If you have a "human" heating pad that will work just as well as ones marked for reptiles. You can use TP rolls and all kinds of house hold things as hides and water dishes, too. When I first got into this hobby I hadn't quite caught on to improvising, but it's a great thing to keep in mind. I've noticed a lot lately that things specifically for Reptiles always seems to be marked up way high, so if you can think of something to cut costs, that works just as well, go for it. :)

And good luck! If you can't get anything from Brent now, keep a watch out and pick something up from him later. :D
Wow, I never would have thought the normal person Heating pad LMAO

And good Sugestions! I have my snakes in 10gal tanks now.. my leos in Tanks.. so, we shall see. I am trying to move one of my leos to the big tank with the other two.. and if that goes well.. I will have a 20l open.. But the lid isn't the most secure.. :-/ It used to have one of the slidding locking lids.. But I gues it broke *I Bought it used* And I have just one of the Tops that go on top.. and there is a nice gap in between the lid and such.. So yea Not sure how to work it yet.. I am seeing what Kind of funds we have.