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Two heads are better then one, I guess...

Thats a very beautiful specimin Rich.. Now has Kathy or Don ever had a two corn? I realize these are very rare in ever happening.. God Luck Rich, and please keep us posted!

wikkedkornman said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! i somehow doubt it, and even if it was, he'd probably want 20 grand for it.

Heck, for 20 grand I would sell it in a heart beat. For half that, in two heart beats. ;)

It would probably be a cool thing to take to shows and set up as a drawing card, but then I would have something on my table valuable enough that I would have to worry about someone stealing it.....

Maybe I could just sell the siblings as "possible het for two headedness". :roflmao:
hey, if the people believe some of the claims that some Ball python make, then "possibly het 2 headedness" really doesnt seem that far out there.
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Soon as I win the lottery, I'll send you 20 grand for it. Just keep it alive until then, ok? :rolleyes: But seriously, that is wild... in a good way. Congrats... I think :cheers:

Hey Rich, whatever you do, make sure whoever takes the snake realizes one of the problems that are going to arise with that snake most likely. One of the problems that you are going to have is your two headed snake has necks. So it is feasible that it could bite the other head if for some reason it got especially hungry. Sometimes one of the heads doesn't have interest in eating but from the looks of your snake, you are going to have a few issues with feeding. If you are lucky, one head might eat faster then the other so that you don't have a pinky mouse traffic jam because I don't think you are going to just feed one head without the other one going for the same meal. You've got two complete brains. The ones with their actual heads conjoined sometimes do better. Either way, I wish you the VERY best of luck. If you do part with it, I hope it goes to someone that realizes this isn't going to be a particularly easy snake to care for. It might have some shedding issues, most likely with one of the heads. I hope someday to perhaps hatch a two headed snake. And they are right, the two heads can go for some good prices.

Just think, Its your birthday present from your snakes. :)
added note

If you can find someone bored enough, make a 'sock' that will fit on one of the heads. See if you can find out if one snake is more dominant over the rest of the body. If you can cover one of the heads without the entire body writhing to get away, then that's the head I'd cover and let the other one eat. It may or may not work. But it might be alot easier at feeding time. :) Feel free to request I stop breathing in cleaning fumes or something. And once again, Congrats and good luck.
So far she has shown no interest in food. Guess she'll wind up being just another one of those "I remember when I hatched out....." sort of things.

If it comes down to her not eating, and you don't have time to work with her, I'd be willing to try and work with her and get her eating. I know you have alot of work to do. I've gotten other problem feeders eating. :) Sometimes it takes a hell of alot of time to get them to do it. If I can get a six inch cornsnake to eat on its own, I can't see her being too much harder. I'll just have to deal with the fact that one head is biting me when I'm trying to feed the other. ;) I'm sure there are others that wouldn't mind working with her either. SHe's beautiful. :) hehe I'd be willing to buy the 4.00 anoles to get a two headed snake eating. Good luck either way! :)
Oh my...

That was so pathetic. :bowdown:

I was also amused by the advice given to Rich (of all people) about feeding this little girl! :crazy02:

The last bicephalic snake I saw was a Thayeri/Ruthveni king intergrade. It was hatched here in STL last August and the pricetag was $20,000. Last I heard it was still not sold but had some offers from large institutions. (colleges, zoos, research facilties, etc)

Somehow, I really doubt that Rich is going to toss this one out as a freebie. If it decides to eat, I wouldn't doubt it goes up for sale with a hefty asking price. If it doesn't eat...well, you know...

Fact of the matter is, although they are interesting to look at, they are freaks of nature. The sucess with bicephalic snakes is not very good. I believe the STL Zoo had a bicephalic bull snake that lived for 3 years...that's a pretty long time from what I understand. Most don't make it a year...even if they are eating well.

Just my .02 worth... :shrugs:

Snowfyre, It looks from the pictures as though the necks are connected all the way to the heads. I'd think that one head would have to try pretty hard to get its mouth around the other..

Quigs, all I was doing was trying to be helpful. Not be rude or anything. Rich is busier then hell, which is why he sells his non-feeders rather than spend the time forcefeeding and stuff. If what I said was taken as insulting to Rich, then I apologize profusely to him. But you could try to be a bit more sensitive about how you word things please.

And Jessica, Yeah looking back at the pics i can see the joints now. I did alot of research on some of the bicephalic snakes for a report. So I know that they fall prey to alot of issues at times. I'm glad that it doesn't have the split necks. Thanks for pointing it out.

Contact Prehistoric Pets. They have a couple two headed snakes. They could probably help you on the feeding part. If i'm not mistaken Renegade Reptiles hatched out a 2 headed cal king a few years back too. If I remember correctly when feeding the king, she had to put a 3x5 card between the heads when feeding one of them so they wouldn't try and bite eachother. You can most likely contact Renegade for info too.

Good luck with her!
Well my wife got it to eat a frozen/thawed anole yesterday. She said only one of the heads acted interested and the other one was just watching curiously. We figure if both heads grab the same meal, we'll be ready with a blade to cut the feed item in half to satisfy both of the heads. But at least it is eating.

It did pose a problem when I wanted to set it up in a cage to feed it, though. Normally I set up new babies in deli cups with those water dishes I designed. However in this instance, I was afraid to do so, thinking that it might get BOTH heads stuck in the water dish, since it wasn't designed with two headed snakes in mind. :rolleyes:
I am glad you got it to eat. Hopefully it thrives for you..and you figure out what to do with it :sidestep:
Heck, more then likely I will just take it to the Daytona Beach Expo and put a big price tag on it. It's a pretty neat looking animal, but to be honest, I really don't have room here for nicknack types of animals. Besides, if this snake does develop the aggressive feed response I have seen from most of my Blood Reds, it will be a real terror when it gets bigger. :eek1: