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1.1 Proven Bloodred Pair - Donations for a Student in Great Need.

Typing from work this morning, I don't have the actual numbers next to me, but I know we are just over $500 raised so far (Awesome!!!) and I believe there are approximately 70-ish chances going into the hat for the pair.

A friendly reminder that the deadline is tonight, midnight and I'll make the draw sometime during the day tomorrow. I'll be getting a check for the total amount raised to the family this coming week. There' s another teacher here at school that is very close to the family and has been in touch with them for me. They will definitely know where the generosity and love came from!


500 bucks? that is awesome Brent.
500 bucks? that is awesome Brent.

Amen! It's graduation day at my high school which always makes me a bit emotional, but I'm so proud to be part of this community! When each of us does what s/he can it all adds up and makes a difference.
Pay Pal sent to you Brent, and if the snakes can not be shipped to Canada then discount my ballots and just give the family my donation and send them my prayers.
500 bucks? that is awesome Brent.
. . . and more now! :)

Better late than never!!! I added some cash to your total and entries to the hat.
Me too. Thanks for the donation and I finally got home to get things taken care of.

When each of us does what s/he can it all adds up and makes a difference.
Couldn't say it better.

Pay Pal sent to you Brent, and if the snakes can not be shipped to Canada then discount my ballots and just give the family my donation and send them my prayers.
Thanks for the donation. PM was sent which I know you already received. We can hopefully work something out if you win.

Well folks, yesterday turned into a busy day and so did today. Never fear though, everything is taken care of! :D

I had 26 separate people make donations for a total of 112 chances. 5 of those people did not want to win the drawing, so their names were not put in, which left 84 chances in the "hat".

We raised a total of $563 for Ali . . . and more (I'll get to that later!).

This place is awesome. Thank you!

As I like to do, here's the names printed out and after being put in the "hat":

So, the "and more" involves another donation. An '09 pair of Ultramel Anery Motleys have been "given" to me to run another, separate, donation drawing for Ali. Not sure if anyone would be interested in a pair like that though . . . :sidestep:

Regardless of whatever happens, the true winner is the beneficiary (Brents Student) of the fund raising effort. What an amazing thing we have done! What an amazing thing Brent has done! I'm so proud of this community!



*edit* I just wish I could have done more!
Was so sad to have missed the last chance, but man I am sooooooooo happy with that new pot ;) lol!

Let the raffle begin!

I had my son pick the name tonight . . .

. . . and the winner is:

Congratulations to jenstar!! I'll shoot you a PM to line up receiving your new beauties.

Thanks a ton, again, to everyone for their generosity and contributions. I'll be setting up another donation/drawing for a pair of snakes that has been donated for Ali.

Congrats Jen!!

So, the "and more" involves another donation. An '09 pair of Ultramel Anery Motleys have been "given" to me to run another, separate, donation drawing for Ali. Not sure if anyone would be interested in a pair like that though . . . :sidestep:


Keep us posted on the other drawing! I totally will donate again for that one. :) Wish I had a pair of snakes to donate as well but at least I can make another donation on paypal towards Ali. It would be awesome to see pictures (of Ali and the other pair) too!
Congrats Jen!!! Way to go Brent and this community!!! Keep us posted on draw number 2.
Brent, I have been on "vacation" and just saw this. You are a cool guy. I'll take part in your next drawing.
Thankyou Everyone. :)

Thankyou Brent for donating your time and these beautiful snakes for a family in need. People like you make me love this forum.