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1 Gift


New member
Right around now, sometimes you'll see a thread started that asks about what you want for Christmas, if you could have anything.

THIS thread is different. The question is, if you could spend any amount of money but buy only 1 gift for someone else, what would it be, and who would you give it to?
I would ask the IMOM foundation (which helps people with catastrophic vet bills) for someone who really needs their vet bill paid, and pay it.
I would ask the IMOM foundation (which helps people with catastrophic vet bills) for someone who really needs their vet bill paid, and pay it.

What a great answer! I second this one, after having our 14 year old dog lose her battle with cancer my heart just goes out to all pet owners that have to face the inevitable like that. I would give every last cent so that someone may have just one more minute with their baby.
I would either buy my neighborhood and then kick the rednecks on the corner out of it (and possibly the loud teenagers across the street too) which would be a gift to all humanity.... OR...

I'd buy a house for Tara with everything she deserves and those things she just really wants all represented... i.e. koi pond in the backyard (complete with nice looking young man to clean it-- hey, just 'cuz we're gay doesn't mean we can't enjoy the view) big bedroom that can hold a kingsize bed... room for snakes in house... birds in house... etc. And a maid to clean it all. ;)
If I could give one present to any one person I would make my boyfriend better. He is really sick and is not getting better and the doctors don't know what is wrong. I know it isn't something I can buy but if I could give one thing to I would make him better.
I would give my best friend the gift of free healthcare. She is 20 years old and faced with the decision to either be on an experimental shot (that costs $800 per shot and needs to be administered once a month) or a hysterectomy due to severe endometriosis (where uterine tissue grows in the wrong spots - bladder, pelvic area, rectum). The shot is too expensive to be on, but the alternative forces her to give up the idea of ever having children. It's so unfair that she should be faced with a choice like that at such a young age.
I would first buy a house. Then get the dog I have dreamed of owning since I was 8 years old(An Irish Wolf hound). I then would open a "no kill" shelter that had unlimited space to help find homes for all our animals in the area that need forever homes.
I would build a large house on a huge plot of land for my daughter. Together we would open our reptile rehab center, and our reptile "zoo". We would also build a smaller cabin for her mother, half sister, and mom's BF to live in so we could all be close, and she could always have her whole family together.