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52 and a first time corn owner


Corns are goram shiny!
I'm just getting started on snake ownership, but I have this feeling it's like Oreos...one just leads to another! I'm hoping there's a lot of people here willing to give advice and share ideas. I also need help with doing things in this forum. I've never been on line like this... What are tags? How can I post a picture of my snake (an avatar?)... and what are tags?

Ayaisha is 16" long, a beautiful female extreme Okeetee, zig zag. She's arriving February 16 and I'm just starting to get everything set up.

I was planning on a 30 gallon breeder size reptile terrarium, carefresh bedding, UT heating... Does that soiund okay?

This is very exciting!
Welcome! You've come to the right place. There is an over abundance of knowledge here! You have time on your side though, so read as much as you can here. There are 'stickys' at the top of most sections that should be read. You'll find important info in a sticky. There is also a FAQ section (http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/faq.php)
Congrats on your new baby! Don is a great breeder, I got mine from him as well.
Also, you can click at the bottom, Go Advanced, and you'll have more options. One of those is 'manage attachments' which will allow you to attach a photo to your post. Keep your photos medium to small or else you can't post them. :eek:
You then will need to re-size your photo and try again. It's all a learning experience. At the very, very bottom of this site you'll see a TEST AREA. That's so you can play around and see if things are working for you. I'm the last one to ever use it! ... but it's there and that's what its for.
If you are a contributing member of the forum you also have the ability to EDIT your posts ... which is sometimes helpful. Enjoy! (Keep in mind pics of your little one are required! :))
Welcome and congrats on getting a snakie!

Make sure with the UTH you get a thermostat (they can get really hot and burn your snake otherwise). My recommendation would be: http://www.amazon.com/MTPRTC-ETL-Certified-Thermostat-Germination-Reptiles/dp/B000NZZG3S

Even though it's not designed for UTHs, lots of members here on the forum use it without any problems.

Also, with the tank, make sure you get LOTS of clips. You will think it is impossible, but your snake will figure out a way to escape unless the lid is super secure.

Good luck with everything and when your snake arrives, we would love to see pictures!

I had a tragic escape of a beloved baby so I now use clips and Velcro straps around the vivs. I also use the recommended thermostat and have been very pleased with it.

I agree, one snake just is not enough. For now, two is good for me. Add slowly and assess. You will know when you have enough! Best wishes and keep us posted about your new scale baby!
Hi, DollysMom. Thanks for sharing. I'd be devastated if anything happened to Ayasha! I fell in love with her at "first sight," going through the Snake of the Day listings on the South Mountain Reptiles site. She arrived 2/2 to beat the anticipated bad weather coming on my ship date. She was very active right from the shipping container, cruised all around the tank (40 gal breeder size Critter Cage) before settling into a plant. Later went into the warm hide. Since she was eating the small pinkies every Thursday at SMR, that's what I had for her. I gave her the smallest which didn't seem to be enough, so I gave her the next smallest. Today, she's been tunneling through the Aspen bedding.

How old are your snakes? What are your set ups like?
KDICKENS, how long have you had your extreme reverse okeetee from Don? Size now? I was just wondering what to expect with Ayasha; she is so little. :p Don shipped her early to beat the bad weather.

I have pics of her on my computer in the pictures folder. How can I post them?
Thank you for the advice. I have her in a 40 gallon breeder size Zilla Critter Cage. The top slides on and locks in with 2 tab clips in the back. It seems very secure...is it? In order to shift the top, I have to lift both clips with my thumbs and push it forward with my fingers. What additional clips would I use; where would I get them? I have probes in both hides (75-77 and 82-85) and the ambient air is around 70-72. The warmer hide holds the temp range well. The cooler hide is on a thermostat because it was going too high. She seems good...she cruises the tank at night (I check on her and find her at water, in plant... This evening she was tunneling under the Aspen bedding. Ate 2 small pinkies on Thursday. Things seem very good!
Hi DLena!
Glad you got your little one from SMR okay! Ayasha seems to be settling in fine. I got mine from Don on Sept 1st and on the 10th he'll be 7 months old, hatching in July. He is approx. 16+inches and 16 g. as I haven't checked in a couple weeks. I'm waiting for him to shed ... he's past due for a shed so I'm kinda wondering what's going on! I fed him a small pinkie today and he snarfed it down. (normally he's eating reg. size pinkies)
He's a little guy too and seems to be doing fine. I'm not too concerned with winning the 'big snake award'! :)
I mentioned pics above in one of my posts. I tend to just use the 'manage attachments' box below under Attach Files. This works great and like I said you have to keep pics under a certain size (click manage attachments to see) or it won't work. And like I said before, there's a test area at the very bottom of the first page of the forum ... you can play around there till you get it figured out!
Oops I posted earlier but didn't add: Welcome, welcome! :wavey: I also just bought a corn from SMR after seeing him featured on his Snake of the Day posts! :D I have to wait for the weather to warm up for shipping though. My cayenne fire is also from his South African line, and I'm waiting for one of his semi-secret projects to be released to buy yet another snake from him lol! You picked a good breeder to buy from, Don is one of the best in the industry. Sounds like you're of to a solid start. Can't wait to see pics of your Okeetee!
I have Don's book.

I frequently check in at his site. He had several older juveniles listed that I really like. Two are currently left.
I bought my first snake, Ayasha, from Don, Snake of the Day 01-09-16. I fell in love with her at fist sight. Don was very patient with all my emails, and nice about my unbridled enthusiasm over her when she arrived... In perfect condition, exactly as pictured and described. His book is a great beginners guide, and he clarified things for me through emails. People on this forum are wonderful resources and very nice. A huge WELCOME to you!
:roflmao:Omg! I just posted my message to the wrong thread. This is my thread. That's what I get for checking the forum while I should be doing something else. This forum is addicting. Lol. :rofl: