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A couple questions about moving into a bigger tank.


New member
Heya, been a while, me and Sir Blinky are doing great tho, I just moved him into his new viv about 3 weeks ago. He got upgraded from his 20 gallon to a nice 55 gallon, and I _think_ he's loving it. A few questions tho:

First of all, he settled in really quickly, he was totally calm and out and about again after only about 24-36 hours after moving in. I am using his old hides, plus 1 new one. He has been moving around a LOT though, like every time I walk by he is in a different hide, with his head poking out. In his old tank he didn't move THAT much, but this one is in a bit of a darker area, so maybe that's why he's moving around so much?

The second and final question is how on earth am I supposed to find his poops in this huge tank [emoji23]? I mean in his old 20 gallon it's was pretty easy, the poo would either be in one of the corners, or on a hide, or on his thermometer. But in this new tank, I just can't find it at all... I've fed him 3 times since he's been in there and Not cleaned poo 1 time. I just took him out and re fluffed his bedding and made sure it wasn't under any of his hides, and I didn't find any. He loves burrowing and making tunnels and stuff, maybe it's just hiding really well? Also he's about to be moved up to regularly sized adult mice (right now he's on small adults), so maybe once he moves up to appropriately sized food I'll start finding it?

Thanks for any thoughts in advance, and I'll answer any questions if y'all have any as soon as I can.

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Aspen, was thinking about changing to some sort of that green padding material, I can't remember the name of it atm, or maybe some paper towels or newspaper, but he just loves to burrow sooooo much I feel like he would hate me for it lol.

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As you know, you're not going to find some of it until you do a complete change. I always find some hidden poop at that time. Remember that the poop that you can't find is very dry. That helps. After a while Sir Blinky may settle down and figure out some favorite pooping spots. I have on occasion, when I'm not doing a complete change, just take everything out, including the snake, and just go through the bedding more thoroughly.

The new larger viv sounds great, btw. Congrats. I'm looking forward to sizing up someday.
They spend a lot of time exploring, when they first move in. Establishing a new territory.

Wow- if he's on small adults, I can't believe you can't smell it when he poops! I guess that's one advantage of aspen...Usually they poop in the corners, or on a piece of viv decor, or in the water bowl. It's gotta be there somewhere!