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A laugh for everyone!

Wow. They're funny allright, but I'm laughing at the writers more than anything. What kind of sissy-boy, girly-man, oversensitive wussies must these ad writers be to think that bug zappers are icky? :roflmao:
In the spirit of totally overusing comedic material, I wrote my own parody... I wonder if they'd run this one:

Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius
Real Men of Genius

Today we salute you Mr. Comedic Premise Stretcher Outer
Mr. Comedic Premise Stretcher Outer

Why come up with new ideas when you can continuously recycle the same old thing over and over.
and over and over

Sure, you may not have a creative bone in your body, but that hasn't stopped you from making a living by writing ads so simple that it takes even less talent than writing music for Jennifer Lopez, out-acting Ben Affleck, or "singing" like Ashlee Simpson.
not even an ounce

You should be proud that you've outdone all the lame remade movies of 70's TV shows, the 7-Up spot, the Energizer bunny, and even the Bud Bowl.
Bud Bowl is totally stupid

So crack open an ice cold Bud Light O great overrecyclers of bad material, because even though you still haven't stretched the premise as thin as the talentless writers of SNL would have by now, we still salute you.
Mr. Comedic Premise Stretcher Outer