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always craps on me?


New member
well....my 6 month old always saves his poop until i take him out. It is like he is doing it to get back at me. it is funny sometimes cuz it is like he will look at me and them bam its all over my pants. but its a small price to pay to have a clean viv all the time. does anyone elses do this?
:shrugs:Just me, but I think I would prefer to scoop a little poo outta the viv rather than off my pants, ewww.
Haha this has never happened to me. But it has happened to my boyfriend. Once he was holding the snake and the snake went up his sweater and took a crap and then he bent his elbow to mash it into his arm. I laughed and helped him take the sweater off. Stunk though. lol
Your handling him is probably the most exercize he gets..

Ever notice how dogs need to walk around a bit before they do their buisiness?
And I thought I was the only one...

My corn is 5 months old and I've only had to spot clean his viv twice since I've had him (4 months). I've left him in the viv for as long as 5 days without holding after he's eaten and it never fails, he will wait until I take him out to poop all over me. I know the "tail" tell signs now though and will get a piece of paper or something when I see him all of a sudden stop...then raise his tail to do his business. There's been times when I take him out everyday and he still craps all over me. Snake poop smells just as bad as any other poop out there. Yuck!!
Our adult snow always tried to do this to my husband. Never got him, but there were a few close calls lol. I think the added exercise helps the movement. Maybe give him a branch to climb to help him move around more? Or else wait another day lol Good luck
Haha that’s hilarious, mine never went on me, but it went on my kitchen table

Haha, Its just from handling him, I have handled wild snakes and they always go on ya, but Mine is very domesticated
Skittles has only done it to me once in the 5 months I've had her. But the time she did it was because I was checking her out as she hadn't pooped in about 7 days. At first I thought she was impacted, but she was just waiting for the chance to poop on me and as I jumped up it splattered onto my daughter's bed. :headbang:

Oh well. My wife yelled at me and I haven't held Skittles over the bed again.