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amel motley?


New member
i am not sure this is motley. the bottom says it is but the top looks more normal to me.

here is the all white bottom
I would agree that looking at the top pattern that it doesn't look motley. And about the belly, the picture is very difficult to make out well but it looks like it has a few whittish markings on the belly. One thing about baby amels, sometimes you get one that is hard to see the belly pattern very well till it gets a bit older. So, maybe that is what is going on. Now, I am just giving out a guess as the belly shot is very hard to see well. Irregardless of motley or not, it is definitely a very nicely colored amel. :)
This guy is an amel mot although to look at his back you wouldn't think so!

This is his belly and his sisters belly, she shows pretty typical amel belly colouring.
princess said:
This guy is an amel mot although to look at his back you wouldn't think so!

Simply look at the lateral pattern - clearly shows Motley. (It can also be seen a little bit at the pic with the ventrals)
That amel has a lot of belly checkers to be a motley. I would think he might be het motley instead of motley. Are you certain he's a motley?
CornCrazy said:
That amel has a lot of belly checkers to be a motley. I would think he might be het motley instead of motley. Are you certain he's a motley?

Terri, the one with no checkers is the (male in the top pic) motley, the one with checkers is his sister who is not a motley.
I just realised that depending on your screen size, the 2nd pic could look like 1 snake! But there are definitely 2!! One has deffinate checkers and one definitely has none!
LOL! I guess I didn't scroll far enough to see that there are 2 snakes in the picture. Thanks for pointing that out to me! :crazy01:
It's an easy thing to miss :) .

I never realised how hard it is to hold two 4 month olds still for a belly shot :rolleyes:

The female was an automatic keeper. When she hatched out, she had more red on her than I'd expect for even a couple of sheds and her colouring up has not dissapointed me at all. Her brother was a keeper after a couple of sheds when he started to 'glow' orange! I'm going to see how he grows up and perhaps put him with my sunglow mot when he's ready. Their mum is a nice red Lookeetee and their dads dad is a bubblegum mot, so there's some good erythrin in those genes!


abdurham, I wouldn't be surprised if your snake is a banded motley. Some motlies have been bred to look more like a milk snake with bands of colour and fewer saddles. This would explain your snake I think.