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Angry little boa


New member
Thought y'all might get a kick out of this. Apparently I scared the bejeesus out of Argento tonight, when I reached into his tank and picked him up. I think he might have been asleep or just waking up. He flipped out and bit me, then started hissing. In hindsight I probably should have waiting a few minutes after opening the tank, to allow Argento to wake up and realize it was me.

I probably shouldn't find the poor little guy's behavior amusing, but I can't help myself. :grin01: I held him quietly until he calmed down, then let him 'taste' both my hands so he'd realize neither was a threat.

Hopefully I did this correctly, video isn't showing up in preview..

Wow, he's REALLY pissed off. Never knew they could sound that evil. o.o;

Also, when posting videos, do this:

Everything after the "?v=", and of course with the 3 as an 'e'.
it's videos like this that make the non-snake people think our pets are evil!! that little cutey sounds like Satan! <3

ADORABLE! hope he calms down before he grows too big. i have a ball python like that and he's about 4 feet long. a strike from him yields a change in pants...
it's videos like this that make the non-snake people think our pets are evil!! that little cutey sounds like Satan! <3

ADORABLE! hope he calms down before he grows too big. i have a ball python like that and he's about 4 feet long. a strike from him yields a change in pants...

haha I bet, im glad mine havnt (key word havnt YET) struck at me yet.
Thanks Shenzi, not sure what I did. XD

Honestly, he's usually a nice little guy, I just really pissed him off somehow last night. I can see how that would be scary when he's full grown though!
I see what you're getting at. I still think "cute" is the last thing I'd be thinking at the time if an 8 foot boa struck at me!

They are pretty fair though, it's like "you scare me, I scare you back." (Or at least try!)
I see what you're getting at. I still think "cute" is the last thing I'd be thinking at the time if an 8 foot boa struck at me!

They are pretty fair though, it's like "you scare me, I scare you back." (Or at least try!)

Well lucky that Costa Rican BCI only get 5-6 feet :)
Well lucky that Costa Rican BCI only get 5-6 feet :)

5-6 feet of fury!!! :grin01:
Most of the Central American Boas I've dealt with have had a little more attitude than others but I always liked them more because they look great (like the one that our OP has) and a bite from a 5-6 foot boa hurts a little but isn't too big of a deal.
Okay I thought that was a RTB. I don't know my boas.

It might be... depending on your definition of Red Tail Boa... Some people call them Red Tails but others consider Boa constrictor constrictor to be the true Red Tail.
Central Americans are B. c. imperator..

Makes you love the simplicity of corns, huh? :)
It might be... depending on your definition of Red Tail Boa... Some people call them Red Tails but others consider Boa constrictor constrictor to be the true Red Tail.
Central Americans are B. c. imperator..

Makes you love the simplicity of corns, huh? :)

I think the beauty of a boa makes the difficulty of learning about them all worth it. If i get green light from the mayor i might get an honduras firebelly this year =D