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anyone with experiance of what happens when u use two males


hi i am a cornsnakeoholic
Has any one out there mated two differnet males to the same female and got a mixed clutch of offspring or do all the hatchlings end up the same (ie one males sperm fertilises all the eggs or prevents the other males sperm reaching the egg) ?

the reason i ask is because i have two male i want to mate to a snow stripe female (the males are strpied normal and ghost). I do not want to double clutch the female. Obviously i should be able to tell the differnace when the eggs start to hatch (if they do :))

thanks for any advice.
I believe it is possible to have babies from both males. That doesn't mean you will, though. As you said, with those pairings it will be obvious who is the father so I say give it a try!
When I first read the thread topic I was a little unsure as to what you were trying to do. :D

I'd say this really comes down to your goals. If you are trying for a certain gene combination to prove/disprove a certain snake, I'd recommend only using one male to avoid confusion. On the other hand, if the results really don't matter, then using two males should only improve the fertility rates of the clutch.
i am pretty sure that there could be no confusing whos offsrping bleonged to who ( i am certain that the ghost male has no pattern genes at all). All i was really after was the results that people had got from this type of breeding ie is it viable.

off coarse knowing how things work out i am sure that the ghost i have will turn out to be het either stripe or mot but then i have a normal motley who i am goin tot mate him to so i should be covered :)
i should also mention i am trying to breed snow stripe het hypos (or full hypos) and the fastest way i have of doing this is via my ghost and snow stripe female, however i dont want to be stuck
with a bunch of anery het stripe het hypos for ever more (thats itthey wouldbe harder to sell then stripe double het normals)

anyway what ever the results i can see another long four years ahead of me for only a small chance of gettign what i want from my current stock
All Striped and Anery

I did this last year and afterwards thought maybe it was a mistake. In your case if you know that the ghost is not het for stipped, all the stripped will come from the stripped parents. If the stripped normal is het for anery or amel you should get a variety of stripes. The ghost will give you all anery het for amel anery and stripe. Breed these young together and you should have a nice combination of everthing. Of course you have to be sure of the original parent's genetic background or you can only prove a limited amount of het characteristics.

In my case I bred a normal male and an amel male to a amel female het for snow and a normal female..
I got normals, anery, snows, and amels.from these two trios. I did prove the amel male was het for anery and the normal female was at least het for anery. I cannot prove anything else, but I plan to breed the young back to the parents for the final proof.
Panda wrote, "The ghost will give you all anery het for amel anery and stripe," but I am sure that panda meant to write, "The ghost will give you all anery het for amel hypo and stripe."

Beyond that, it is entirely possible for two males to fertilize a female at the same time. However, simply breeding her to two males does not at all ensure that being the case. It is entirely possible for one male or the other to fertilize all of the eggs to the exclusion of the other male. So, don't necessarily assume that your ghost male is het for stripes if you get 50% stripe snows and 50% anery stripes! Then again ... don't assume that he's not!
