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Argento (dwarf boa) update


New member
Less than two months since I got him, but I managed to catch a couple nice pics of Argento on the kitchen floor while I was taking a picture to measure him. I didn't really think he'd have grown in this short amount of time and I was right. Still 25".

Right now Argento is in the feeding tub with a mouse. He doesn't look too interested even though he hasn't eaten in a week. 'course it is winter, so maybe that's it. He's put on about 24g of weight in the time I've had him. Seems like a lot to me, but then I'm still relatively new to snakes (3.5 years in this hobby, most of that time with just one snake) and he is a hatchling. Anyway, it's not as if I'm overfeeding him and he doesn't look fat, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

Here's the pic I used to measure him.

Even with the tile as a frame of reference, he looks huge.

Those eyes are the real reason for his name.

Plus two tongue shots! :dancer:

Arg, I did it again! And no way to edit. Correction: and he is still a BABY.


If you become a Contributing Member, you can edit :). There's a good reason right off the top, not to mention your membership dollars help to support this fantastic site.

Argento is adorable. I love Boas :).
If you become a Contributing Member, you can edit :). There's a good reason right off the top, not to mention your membership dollars help to support this fantastic site.

Argento is adorable. I love Boas :).

Hmmmm, interesting..

Thanks! I'm really falling in love with boas, not just my guy. Saw a pic of a sunset boa in another thread, and it's beautiful. Plus I just watched the first episode of "An Idiot Abroad," and it showed a clip of a future episode set in Peru where the guy sees a boa in the wild. Just seeing that little clip got me excited. :rofl: It was a pretty snake!

Ooh, very nice colors on him. What's his subspecies/locality?

Costa Rican