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Attempt two, Frozen


New member
Hey, everyone.

I feel bad coming here just to ask a question again, but here goes. My little snow corn has been feeding wonderfully off of live pinkies. Is it too early to get her onto frozen pinkies? She's about thirteen inches long at this point, and I've already tried her on one tiny F/T and one live. She takes the live one without a problem, but just sort of pokes at the frozen before ignoring it completely. I currently have her in her feeder tub with the head of a frozen pinkie.

Is she just too little to put onto frozen at this point? If not, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. She's a great eater of live, and she's never regurgitated. Also, I've also been concerned that I'm not thawing them out enough. I let the frozen sit at room temperature for about 45 minutes before I toss them in with her, using chopsticks.

Any help would be appreciated. I wouldn't mind killing them for her, but getting her on frozen would be a great plus.
I'd say it's not too early.

Try tearing some skin off the top of the head of the thawed mouse. A bit of moisture seems to key them in to where to start on a mouse. The scent of blood is also a powerful appetite stimulant.
I had a little one who would only take live until her last feeding. I actually used someone's advice from this forum (sorry...I don't remember who), and I washed the f/t pinks with dishwashing liquid and rinsed them VERY well. My little one took them NO problem! Thanks to whoever it was that posted something about washing pinks!!!
yeas ive read that on a website an have posted it here along with a few other people and it works for non feeders sometimes