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Average time for eggs to hatch?


New member
My first clutch is on day 58 today, and there's no sign of anything happening. Yes, I know it's a bit early, but I'm already worrying about boiled eggs etc, so please humor me! Kathy Love seems to say in her book that 60 days is average for hatching, but I know people on here have had eggs hatch at 70 plus days. Mine are incubated on vermiculite in a styrofoam incubator at around 82-85 degrees most of the time, although I must say I've had to dampen the vermiculite a fair bit so have had to disturb them regularly - it's difficult to maintain the humidity even at 80% and I'm not quite sure why - maybe the holes I had to make big enough for the thermostat probe for the heat mat and the thermometer probe allow too much air flow? I may try a different setup next year, perhaps using perlite.

They haven't shown any signs of dimpling or changing in any way, so I can't see hatching happening in the next few days (though of course I have no experience of this and could be totally wrong), but are certainly growing. They seem to have grown more in the last few weeks than in the first few - is this normal? Please bear with me as I'm anxious - I'd hate to think I'd get no hatchlings after tending the eggs for 8 weeks. Any advice anyone can give?

Sasheena, that's brilliant about your clutches - let's hope you get lots of healthy hatchlings! Obviously your baby king snakes are fantastic! Thank you also for your advice on deformed hatchlings - very helpful.

Thank you to everyone in advance.

All mine were on or around the 60 day mark this year. Temps were in the same sort of range as yours.

I'd be expecting to see noses by the middle of next week if I were you.

Fingers crossed for you. :)
I incubated with very similar conditions - same temps, substrate but slightly higher humidity as I used a sealed container with a hygrometer inside. Mine hatched on day 51, much to my surprise.

Your eggs definitely sound like they're alive, and should start hatching very soon.

Thank you both of you - I guess I'll keep worrying until those noses pop out - there's no getting away from that! Will let you know.

Thanks, Jessica :)
I incubate at approximately the same temperatures ... last year around 82 to 84 and I had eggs hatch in 66 days (four clutches all on day 66) this year the temp has been closer to 81 degrees, and my first clutch was 72 days, second clutch was 69 days and third clutch 65 days.
Thanks for your replies everyone - very helpful to know the enormous variation - seems weird as of course the gestation period in humans and mammals is usually quite constant, with much less variation. Still, reptiles are totally different - it's just interesting how different. I'll put my patience hat on then! :)
At the risk of pointing out the obvious, those of us who say we've incubated at a certain temp may not have done so if (like me) we didn't bother to calibrate our thermometer. I suspect, just from the short gestation period of my eggs, that mine is giving slightly low readings, and will be calibrating it with some boiling water in time for next year.


Well, I should have been more patient because it's day 60 today and, dead on time, a slit was present in one of the eggs first thing this morning, and when I went home at lunchtime, a little nose was sticking out! How long do hatchlings usually stay in this position? I know it varies, but he has been in this position most of the morning as my husband has been emailing me updates at work - he's at home today! We're now leaving the little snakelet alone for several hours to give it a chance to come out. I know Kathy Love says in her book it can be minutes or hours, but it's already been several hours.

Anyway, I'm so excited! Thank you, everyone, for your replies, and I take your point, David - I've not calibrated my thermometer either and have wondered if it's accurate. I'll try to get some pics later - too nervous to since my husband tried and the little head popped back in.

Jessica :)