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Basic Newbie Questions


WiLd&CrAzEy tHiNg
Okee Dokiee I have 2 questions for all you herp experts out there! :wavey:
1) When I bought my snake It showed (I think) signs of sheeding: A few rough transparenty/white spots on its body where it seems like it's starting to shed (kind of hard to describe) and while holding her I noticed that one clear scale had flaked off. When I first bought her I asked the store owner (he said she was due to shed) if she was past the blue eyed stage, but he didn't know. Is this normal to have a few small rough spots before the shed? She hasn't seemed to be showing any shed type behavior. I soak her in warmish-room temp water at least once every day (she doesn't really do this on her own) and have been checking for signs of shedding but still none. I even stuck moist paper towels in the viv but she doesn't pay any attention to them. Tomorrow will be one week since I've had her so it's been like this for a while. I think her underside might be dulling but I'm not sure. She doesn't seem to be showing any discomfort, but is this normal?
2) I fed her a mouse yesterday and today she pooped but it was not black but clear fluid and a few tiny bits of white. The same thing happened on Tuesday. Is there something wrong? I didn't see any bones or fur.
A bit of advice? :shrugs:​
I notice when I pick up my snake the difference in her skin, then again I pay attention to detail and notice everything. I can tell that her skin now has a different texture and is due for a shed.

I don't think you need to force her in to water. IF you have her viv at 50% humdity she should shed fine. I think you need to let nature take its course.

To me it sounds like her poo is fine.. unless you really start seeing discoloration as in green, I would be more worried.
i'm no expert by any means but here's a shot.

1. misting can cause respiratory problems but i find that when my snakes go "blue", that if i mist them lightly that they have no problem shedding what so ever. Being that i use lights as a source of heat, maintaining humidity sometimes involves a little more work. However, as said earlier, if the environment is b/t 50 to 60%, i've seen no problem with shedding. Just give it at least another week with proper humidity and see if you get any results.

2. no problems there. sounds normal.

Also, might i add that if you have not already purchased that you should probably purchase Kathy Love's Cornsnake Manual. It's a very easy yet informative read and will cover the majority of questions that you may have.
Hi TigerLilly!

I'm no expert either, but my snake has gone through two sheds since I got it and I'm expecting another one toward the end of the first week in August. The first sign I see when my snake is abou to shed is the eyes turning a hazy bluish color. In a day or two this is gone. A few days after this he normally sheds. To me it seems like the process takes FOREVER! lol! I mist my snake lightly when I first notice signs, but I don't ove do it either..ihis/her last shed was fantastic! I've never had to submerse my snake in water yet to help the process.

As far as the poo is concerned...from what I've learned it seems to be normal. I believe the white is crystalized urine (someone correct me if I'm wrong). And I neve noticed any fur...only what looked like semi-hard dark thingies...I thought at first to be mouse tail or intestines or semi-digested bone. Turns out it WAS fur. If you scoop it up in a baggy (so your hands don't touch it) and spread apart any clumps you'll see that it's 'encased' fur.

Different species of snakes poo differently...my brother has a hognose (a desert snake) and it's poo is relatively dry with bones and fur plainly visible...he was disgusted by the "slop" my snake poos out! LOL!

All in all, everything sounds good to me, but keep us all updated on the shedding!

1. Wow!! it sounds like you are using WAY too much water there. You could end up with some serious respiratory problems if you continue like that long term. My snake usually takes about 2 weeks to finish his shedding process. He goes kind of misty and his colours are dulled for about a week. Then his eyes are blue for a bit but not long then he clears right up and it looks like he shed and you missed it. About a week later I find the skin. If he does have problems shedding then I would just give the cage a light misting.
2. Corns tend to poo just like birds. This is totally normal especially when they are young. It changes slightly as they get older but mines over a year now and it hasn't changed a whole lot. I haven't noticed any clumps in mine but thats not to say it won't happen. :) I think you're correct about the crystalized urine.

Interested to know how you're shed turns out. :)