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New member
I am using astroturf right now.I like it and it looks good but it really is a hassle to clean.I clean my tank every two weeks so I'm looking for somthing easier to spot clean.
I have heard other people in here that like to use aspen bedding
i like the look of it but was concerned that I would not be able to find the poop as easily seeing that snakes like to burrow
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

I use like 3 or 4 layers of paper towels. It's really easy to tell when it's time to clean the cage and it's disposable so you have les cleaning to do. I leave a patch of aspen around the hides and the snakes burrows sometimes.
Hi Bryan,
I use mats also. I have several, that way, one is always clean and ready to go. Of course, I only have one snake, so that makes it simple.

Mats are very easy, and usually, it's only the 3rd and 4th day after feeding, that there ia a "mess". So if you did have an "extra" mat or two, that would be a big help. Good Luck.
I use crushed walnut bedding, which I have found to work wonderfully. Its smaller than cat litter pieces and bigger than granules of sand...you can easily spot poo, and it cleans like a dream.

If you like the idea of having a single floor covering though, you might try the cage carpet (is this what you were talking about 5bandit5?)... Ive heard that this too is very easy to clean and is a single piece that fits in the bottom of your terrarium.

Good Luck...
The paper towels are very absorbant and inexpensive though. If you plan to ahve more snake, the mats are just gonna be a big time waster. Too much cleaning.
I started out on carpeting and, like you, I found it a was hassle to clean and it stinks. I switched to Repti-Bark (forest bark) and never looked back! Our snakes will occasionally poo 'underground' but most of the time I find their droppings along the perimeter of the cage.

If I couldn't afford bark chips I would use paper towels.

I do use aspen for my adults and it is sometimes harder to find poop, I just know that they nearly always poop on the perimeter of the cage, and so I do a perimeter check daily.

Cleaning carpeting would take far too long, and so I use paper towels with all young ones.

I heard earlier that someone uses crushed walnut. What is it? Is it really crushd walnut cause that can't be too good for the snake.
Yes it is walnut shells. I think it is sold under the name Lizard Litter at most pet stores.
I use Habi-chips but I'm going to switch to Aspen. I had trouble finding poo in the dark coconut husk, but the chip or Aspen being lighter in color are a lot easier.
I use crushed walnut for my sand boas. It is great, much coarser than sand but still small grain for them to dig through, and it looks cool and is easy to clean. I don't recommend it for corns though, as it gets moldy easily if it gets wet.
Oh, I was thinking like huge chunks of walnut. What you are describing is a sand-like substance, right?

thank you all for the replies.if i decide to use aspen will there be any problems with my snake burrowing under it and lying on the heat pad? and would he really cook himself if he was on it all day?
Mine doesn't. I leave a layer of paper towel under the patch of aspen anyways. The snake shouldn't be able to cook itself if the temperature is regulated and the UTH is under the tank NOT in it.

Yes... the crushed walnut is of a similar consistancy to sand, although it has larger granuales.

Ive never had a problem with it molding, but I use lights rather than a UTH which evaporates liquid in the tank. I know that my adult corn has consumed some of it in the past and never had a problem, but he only got a little and I have since switched to feeding him in a separate tank, so this isnt a concern.

I attached a pic so you can see in the background what it looks like...


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I use Aspen bedding as well, and I wouldn't reccommend astroturf. The main reason is that it hold bacteria even after you wash it. You have to wash, dry, and STERILIZE each piece after each cleaning, or else you run the risk of bacteria growing there.
personally I love aspen chips for colubrids and similar sized snakes..
easy to clean and good for odor control...
