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Buroughing Corn?


New member
Hi, i have a carolina corn snake (orange and yellow) and a Anerythristic? corn (black and grey). anyway i've had both now for around 7 months and both are very similar age and size. They've always lived seperatly until i housed them together on the weekend. The black and grey snake has always been a bit nervous being handled and eats like crazy! and the other has always been very slow but great to handle etc.

Since the weekend the carolina has been buroughing under the substrate and i don't think i've seen him come up for a bit explore yet - while the other is always out climbing etc.

just wondered if this'd change and if they are OK to live together?
It will never be OK for them to live together. Trust me when I say that the risks aren't worth it, not to mention that the stress it puts on the animals is reason enough not to force them to be in the same viv.

As for burrowing, it's normal. It just means your snake is comfortable in his viv to use parts of it to hide outside of whatever hide you've provided him.
I misread your post and this forum is apparently too archaic and backwards to allow editing of posts. So ignore what I said about burrowing. I would guess in this specific case that it's a response to the stress of being forced into close quarters with another snake.
Burrowing is a normal behaviour of Corns as they are mainly terrestrial. However, the fact that one is burrowing and the other is climbing I would interpret as a sign that they are trying to avoid each other and do not enjoy sharing their habitat. I would recommend separating them again.
Cohabbing is a bad idea for a number of reasons. Use the search function at the top and look for threads regarding cohabitating for all the information.

The fact that one snake is burrowing at this point is a sign of stress and means they need to be separated right away.

this forum is apparently too archaic and backwards to allow editing of posts.
FYI - it costs money to run this site. You have to purchase a membership to be able to edit posts and post classified ads.
I don’t for the life of me know why but there used to be a really good show on TLC called a Queer Eye for the Straight Guy or something like that. It was wonderful and would have been very helpful here. First off let me just tell you that you cannot house orange and yellow snakes with black and gray snakes. It simply is not done. The very idea makes me feel faint. The orange and yellow snake is probably burrowing to hide is face in shame. And I don’t blame him!

And I don’t like your derogatory tone in reference to the Muppets, whom I adore.

As Waltz said in his wonderfully worded and well thought out posts, burrowing is normal except when it is abnormal.

If you look at the left down below the persons name you will see a line that says Rep Power. That is an abbreviation for Republican Power. As you can see, Waltz and Marica both have zero status with the Republican Party. That would mean they probably voted for Obama. Need I say more.

Luckily Katie jumped in and gave us good information. Thank you Katie.
Yes, thank you Katie. (There are also certain discussions you cannot see on the forum unless you are a member, as Katie would have been glad to point out.)

And thank you, Wade. We can always thank you for being around to clarify and "calibrate those words differently" if anything is worded "stupidly".

NOTE : That last sentence has got to be the stupidest nonsense I've written all week, but since I am only paraphrasing others far more powerful and brilliant than I, I don't think I can be held personally responsible.
I was able to pass some Republican power to Eric, but Wade apparently has too much from me at the moment.. I'll try to get you later Wade, if I have any left, I'm anxious to part with it!!
I think it's terrible that we don't have dem points. I'd be in the trillions with my posts here by now. I'm chalking it up to discrimination, though I may have to recalibrate... ;)

Is there any chance that the corn in question is a beat poet? I don't think that's a usual thing, but I wouldn't be disappointed with such a corn myself. The Burroughing ones are particularly long-lived if I recall..

Wade, I would like to make a few corrections to your post:

- I may have zero Rep Power, however, I have accumulated 448 rep points since joining just over a month ago (not sure what the point to power ratio is?)

- If you would look closely at the left below my name you'd see that my location is Calgary, AB, CA (Canada) hence I did not vote at all in your :dunce: elections

Perhaps a simple question to resolve this issue: How many posts of my boyfriend's "rack" do I have to post to match your status? :p
Apparently I said something wrong. Or maybe I didn't. It's hard to tell what's sarcasm and what isn't. I was just trying to help but I know people can be mean here sometimes.
Marica, although there are those among us who would like to see your boyfriends rack, I for one will pass. I am a one rack man and I have staked my claim.

Waltz you may have said something wrong, or perhaps not, it’s hard to say.

To you both, thank you for stepping up and trying to answer that question honestly. This forum is what it is because of people like you who are willing to take the time to help others. We need people like you here, so stick around, you are appreciated.

If I have more points than you it is only because I have been here longer than you have. I don’t see that as anything more than age. I’m sorry if you felt I was mean, my sarcasm is too often at someone’s expense, it was not directed at you but only an attempt at humor.
An opinion on a function isn't an insult on the forum as a whole? I don't understand why this would be an issue, really. It's not like I wrote 'this place sucks.'

this forum is apparently too archaic and backwards to allow editing of posts.

Sounds like an insult to me. :shrugs: Many of us here do have use of the "Edit" function, which as Katie mentioned you gain when you pay for a contributing membership. $25 per year seems pretty darn cheap to me if it helps keep this forum going and allows all the benefits it does.
$25 per year seems pretty darn cheap to me if it helps keep this forum going and allows all the benefits it does.

Especially when the forum owner is retiring from the snake-selling business, and, in order to fund the forum, will be depending on paid memberships.
I already explained what I said. And I never said anything in criticism of paid membership or the owner. I didn't know that a basic forum function was restricted to paid members. I assumed the system was just that simple that it wasn't possible. 'Archaic' and 'backwards' weren't meant as negatively as you're taking them. It would be best if this stopped being an issue. I've been here long enough to see some arguments on this forum and I'd rather avoid that sort of thing.