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Can corns eat hamsters?

Almase said:
Wait wait wait. Before you even start in on me. Let me tell you I do take care of my animals. My cats are barn cats. They live on their own. The only thing I do is feed them. If they go out in the woods and get screwed up from a coyote or something, I aint takin the damn cat to a vet, if its gonna die I aint gonna pay for some medicine to put it to sleep, im gonna shoot the damn thing. But of course I dont REALLY own a cat anyways. I mean who owns a cat? They come and go as they please. As for the hamsters, I just CANNOT see paying $100 because it has a lump on its side or something. THat is stupid. Call it cruel if you want, I'll find out what the lump is but its not going to vet. If its fatal I'll kill it myself. It has nothing to do with cruelty, it has to do with people being raised to soft today. Besides that im not rich. I have horses and hounds and they come WAY before a hamster or a cat. So dont tell me I dont take care of my animals, or I am cruel without knowing me there buddy.

I am NOT starting in on you. I only stated that I found your post disturbing and stated the possible repercussions for not providing vet care to an animal. I realize barn cats are not pets, and even getting an injured one into a cat carrier for transport is nearly impossible even if you wanted to provide care for it. I don't know what the laws are in regards to barn cats but I would much rather see one shot and killed quickly than left to suffer with injuries or a fatal illness.
I also never said you don't take care of your animals. Please show me what I said that little nugget?
Also, rodents are not currently covered under ANY humane laws. I still believe that even lowly rodents should be treated humanely and killed as painlessly as possible when their time comes.
I'm also not a "buddy". If anything, I am a "buddette" AND old enough to be your mother!
tbtusk said:
No, I agree with the mouse stuff (and possibly on the cat stuff, I don't know). What I'm saying is that in my case my whole family had those animals as pets and we felt we had to take care of them. In general I would not pay much of anything to take care of a mouse that was not a pet.

As for the other stuff I'm not sure and that's your choice, so I don't want to get into an arguement.
Don't sweat it...I don't argue. I might debate(alot), but I don't argue...t's pointless. Nothing wrong with different opinions.

FWIW...I agree with you on the "pets" classification. Trust me...if anything was going wrong with one of my snakes, which I classify as companions AND pets, I would spend whatever is necessary to get it fixed, regardless of the cost in comparison with the cost of the snakes. The value is in the love, not the money. My mice are different. They are not pets. They are a means to an end...they simply provide food for my REAL pets. They were purchased with the full understanding that they may very well not last more than a couple of years, and that's OK...
Whoa lady, I didnt ask if you were old enough to be my mom. Im not trying to hook up with you or nothing. No need to tell me you're too old. Then whats the problem?I think I said earlier somewhere that if an animal is too sick I'd shoot it. Im sure I did. A rodent is a rodent. You said basic care includes the vet. I said I wouldnt take a rodent to a vet so there for you did say I dont take care of my animals. :) Now show me where I said I would let the animal suffer to death like you seem to be implying. I just said I wouldnt take it to the vet. And again, somwhere I wrote that I'd shoot the animal. Or maybe I didnt write that because I thought people would get offended by it. I dont know.
You never stated that you would shoot an animal to end its suffering in THIS thread. And THIS is the thread I read.
I also stated that vet care was considered basic care UNDER HUMANE LAW.
That was not me passing judgement on you, that is the definition of basic care under the law.
As far as telling you what the law is, that was in regards to the CAT.

Also please show the quote where I specifically told you that you don't take care of your animals. Please use the quote feature.
By Almase:
...My cats are barn cats. They live on their own. The only thing I do is feed them. If they go out in the woods and get screwed up from a coyote or something, I aint takin the damn cat to a vet, if its gonna die I aint gonna pay for some medicine to put it to sleep, im gonna shoot the damn thing....

by starsevol:
...I am a firm believer in RESPONSIBILITY. No matter the cost of an animal, it deserves basic care. Basic care includes vet care in case of illness or injury....

The implication of Almase not taking responsibility for his animals is there.

Now...let's please stop arguing about it, before it gets out of hand, and enjoy the conversations...please ;).
Look lady, I think you're getting the story mixed up. You said that basic care crap, (which I give "basic" care to the animals that arent rodents). You said rodents do not have any humane laws or whatever it was you said. So I am not doing anything wrong at all. The cats like I said, are barn cats, they are not indoor cats. I do not own them. I just feed them and let them live around the barn because they catch mice from eating the grain and chewing stuff up. So all my animals do get taken to the vet except for the ones which you said I am not required to take to the vet (rodents) because there is no law for it. But let me make it clear that if I had to take them to the vet, I still wouldnt. I'd kill the little bastards myself rather than get a $300 vet bill for a $2 mouse that is going to die soon anyways. Do I make myself perfectly clear to you so that we do not have anymore misunderstandings?
Almase said:
Look lady, I think you're getting the story mixed up. You said that basic care crap, (which I give "basic" care to the animals that arent rodents). You said rodents do not have any humane laws or whatever it was you said. So I am not doing anything wrong at all. The cats like I said, are barn cats, they are not indoor cats. I do not own them. I just feed them and let them live around the barn because they catch mice from eating the grain and chewing stuff up. So all my animals do get taken to the vet except for the ones which you said I am not required to take to the vet (rodents) because there is no law for it. But let me make it clear that if I had to take them to the vet, I still wouldnt. I'd kill the little bastards myself rather than get a $300 vet bill for a $2 mouse that is going to die soon anyways. Do I make myself perfectly clear to you so that we do not have anymore misunderstandings?
Regardless of your personal feelings about animals, you could perhaps stop and think a little about your style of writing on here, because you stated yourself you've been banned from other forums. There's no need to use bad language and it will result in a ban
Almase said:
Look lady, I think you're getting the story mixed up. You said that basic care crap, (which I give "basic" care to the animals that arent rodents). You said rodents do not have any humane laws or whatever it was you said. So I am not doing anything wrong at all. The cats like I said, are barn cats, they are not indoor cats. I do not own them. I just feed them and let them live around the barn because they catch mice from eating the grain and chewing stuff up. So all my animals do get taken to the vet except for the ones which you said I am not required to take to the vet (rodents) because there is no law for it. But let me make it clear that if I had to take them to the vet, I still wouldnt. I'd kill the little bastards myself rather than get a $300 vet bill for a $2 mouse that is going to die soon anyways. Do I make myself perfectly clear to you so that we do not have anymore misunderstandings?
Relax...there is no reason to get angry about a simple misunderstanding and difference of opinion. Being this aggressive towards a fellow forum member isn't going to solve any problems or accomplish any goals, so please, just chill out...
tyflier said:
By Almase:

by starsevol:

The implication of Almase not taking responsibility for his animals is there.

Now...let's please stop arguing about it, before it gets out of hand, and enjoy the conversations...please ;).

tyflier pointed this out. I formally apoligize for this. In the initial post I believed that the barn cat was a housepet, for one thing. From what you posted, you said an animal that cost less than $20 won't ever see a vet. Well, most housecats and many dogs kept as pets cost less than $20 and THAT was what I found disturbing. Understand now?

You never said that you wouldnt take the hamsters to the vet. You said it wasn't worth the gas money to take them to a pet shop. That was slightly disturbing to me, but not much! I'm not a huge hamster person anyway. The biggest problem you might have in feeding your snake the hamsters is the chance that your snake might like the hamsters so much, it might not want mice anymore. (I've heard it happens).
lol, I said I got banned because we were talking about politics. I am a far right conservative and the LARGE majority of that forum was liberal and they couldnt keep up with me so they complained basically because I said kill the enemy on their own turf before they kill us on ours. I mean tehre was ALOT more to it than that. But I gave all the reasons why and they just, well they were libs and they couldnt debate me so they told on me. So I didnt get banned because of what I said about animals. You just have to understand I am a very blunt person and really I dont care if you think im cruel or not. But you're not going to accuse me of being cruel. You can think it all you want however. Im not trying to start an argument over this.
Here we go again. I was going to PM the thread starter and suggest they tone it down a bit. The way his views were expressed was rather blunt IMO. But hes perfectly entitled to them. So accept it and move on.

But whats the point :shrugs:

Lets not dig the hole any deeper
Well, I guess when I said under $20 I wasnt referring to cheap dogs. That was more along the lines for, rabbits, mice, hamsters, frogs ect ect. If I had a house cat (which I cant cause my dog would kill it) it would go to the vet because I would buy a good cat, something expensive like a Siamese. I wouldnt get it licensed or whatever. I would again use my excuse "But really, who owns a cat? They come and go as they please" lol. Thats a good one to use. Just act surprised if humane society comes over and you have a cat with no license inside. Cats own themselves. ;)

lol, beating a dead horse.
Kudos for the apology! Now where are the pictures of your horses and dogs for the general chit-chat? It sounds like you live in a rural area, so people like me who are stuck in boring places love to see pictures of the places luckier people live in!
Almase said:
Well, I guess when I said under $20 I wasnt referring to cheap dogs. That was more along the lines for, rabbits, mice, hamsters, frogs ect ect. If I had a house cat (which I cant cause my dog would kill it) it would go to the vet because I would buy a good cat, something expensive like a Siamese. I wouldnt get it licensed or whatever. I would again use my excuse "But really, who owns a cat? They come and go as they please" lol. Thats a good one to use. Just act surprised if humane society comes over and you have a cat with no license inside. Cats own themselves. ;)

lol, beating a dead horse.

Then I am truly sorry. I thought you meant "any" animal. My sisters free adopted greyhound was the first thing I thought of! I did have a little mutt cat once who thought he was a dog. Came when called, greeted us at the door, and sat up and begged for treats JUST like a dog would. I still miss the bugger!
Well, the pics are on my myspace profile. www.myspace.com/almaseamir
I took alot of my horse pics off though and just left up one....I have some greyhounds over here where I live. My mother also volunteers for the greyhound rescue and she owns three herself. Good, now we're all friends again....Since we're on this humane topic though, you know something I saw at the farm store that I laughed about? You know those humane cages for catching raccoons and cats or whatever large animal. I saq one of those, but it was a little tiny one made for catching mice. I thought to myself, "Why would somone want to humanely catputre a mouse? If you catch it to release it it will come right back inside. Is it really worth the walk to get rid of it way out in the woods when you can just get a real mouse trap and then throw it away or feed it to a cat?" But I think now that I have a snake maybe people get them to feed to snakes, or hawks or something.
Some people actually do live trap mice and let them go miles away. Makes em feel good. You really shouldn't feed a wild caught mouse to a snake. Too many parasites and the possibility of diseases.
Oh lord, now I have a confession...............a few years ago I got a lovely silver hamster for the boys. I got bitten by I don't know how many in my youth, I don't like them. A friend had a really tame one, and so my kids wanted one. I held the damn thing every day, got it really tame, then it's behaviour suddenly changed. It was a monster, trying to bite every time we got near it. The boys confessed they'd been waking it up by poking it with a pencil when I was on nightshift and asleep during the day, because they wanted it to come out to play. I had to put it in a big tank, and cleaned it out by luring it into a humane trap with chocolate spread so I got to keep my fingers intact. If I'd have had the snakes then I know it would have 'disappeared' into the freezer