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Can I Put Male+Female Together?


New member
would i be able to raise a male and female of similar size and age (less than half a year) together in the same viv? its a 40 gal, decent size...i also have an 80 gal if a 40 wouldnt be enough...im planning on breeding them in the future but i was wondering if until then i would be able to keep them together (until breeding season, when i would seperate them to prevent an unwanted early pregnancy)

its not urgent, i only have the female now (thinking of buying the male from rich eventually, most likely in less than 6 months)

thanks in advance to all who reply! :)
You can but IMO it just makes things a lot easier if you don't. It avoids all the possibilities of problems that can happen when housing two snakes together. If you have two viv's I'd use them.
so much more expensive to set up a whole new viv though :p i'll keep that in mind though, thanks

anybody else??? does anybody house a male and female together? does anybody house 2 snakes together period?
I sometimes house < yearlings together for a bit but never for the long term. Just because it isn't the "normal" breeding season does not mean they will not try and mate early, not to mention cleaning, parasite x-fer, and possible canniblism. To be safe, you should always keep a snake in their own viv whenever possible.
alright thanks...but...

what if i seperated my 40 gal in half? that way i can put the heat lamp above the seperator so they both have a warm side and a cool side, without the need for another lamp? the measurements for each half of the viv would be APPROX..... 16 wide, 12 deep, 16 tall (for each snake)...thats almost 200 inches of area on the bottom of each snake's half of the tank...

what do you guys n gals think?
This topic always sparks a big debate. I have housed my 2 originals corn together since they were hatchlings and luckily I did not have a problem but The more I have learned it is probaly not the best idea to house young corns together because the possibility of cannibalism and early pregnancy which can mean death to a young female snake. It might be best to get the other viv set up before you get the other corn. That way you will have no worries.

what about splitting the 40gal viv into two halves, one for each snake...as i mentioned in my previous post? is 200 inches square enough for a snake? they would each have their own hide, cool side, warm side, thermometer, rocks, etc...
im just really short on cash, cant really afford to set up and maintain another viv at the moment
If you can't afford to house them separately, then you don't need another snake, in my opinion. You know...this subject has been beat to death on this forum. I suggest you do a search for previous posts related to this subject. You'll see all of the bad things than can happen if they are housed together.

I am not trying to be hateful, I am simply frustrated by this whole subject. It comes up about once a week...
i dont want to house them together, if theyre in the same tank, there will be a complete seperation of the two...it would be like having two 20 gal tanks side by side, not attached
That's another story, then. As long as you can separate the tank into two sides and there is NO way they can get to the other side, then that will probably work. I will mention this, though. You are still going to need a quarantine tank in which to keep the new snake for a few months to make certain it is healthy. You do not want to have them side by side if the new snake happens to be sick.

Granted, you can use an inexpensive plastic tank for quarantine purposes. You will need a separate heat source, though.
thanks a lot, appreciate the help :)

i think i might use my 80 gal to seperate in half, if i find that they dont have enough room :p
CornCrazy said:
You'll see all of the bad things than can happen if they are housed together.

Amen. It isn't a matter of "if" but "when". I had a pair of older adult breeders this year go after each other. The female grabbed the male and started constricting. It doesn't just happen to hatchlings.

You say you don't have enough cast for a seperate enclosure, so ask yourself if you can risk losing one or even both snakes to an accident. It's your choice....
Hey guys....go easy on us novice keepers!!! I asked the same question only this week, because i genuinely didnt know if i could have two together. Thanks to kind advice on this subject, i now know to buy a separate home when i get another gorgeous corn!! :)
Angel, You must understand Terri's point of view....

This one question is asked at least 2-3 times every single week. Two things are troubling: 1) People ask for expert opinions then proceed to tell everyone that responds that their opinion is wrong and they will keep their snakes together regardless; 2) It is obvious that most newcomers don't use the search function.

If this just happened occasionally, then it wouldn't be a sticking point.
Well put, CAV. I was trying to find a nice way to respond, and I thank you for doing it so I didn't have to. CAV is exactly right. This whole topic is a sticking point because in the past no one has truly wanted to hear what we had to say about the subject. If the newcomers would use the search function before asking some of the questions they ask, then we would not have to keep answering the same questions over and over again. Not only is it time consuming, but it also takes up space on Rich's server...

That is my advice to all of you that are new...please utilize the search function on this site. It is a wonderful tool!
I do understand what you are saying folks. I have been reading info. on site but at the same time have also been reading feedback from owners who do have snakes co-habiting. I do believe that one of those owners has just split up two of his beautiful snakes.
I do understand what you are saying and it must get you all down sometimes repeating yourselves, but believe me, people are listening to you and taking your wise and sound advice. Thank you and please dont stop!! :)
Jicin said:
Perhaps a pinned topic on this subject would help?

Well done Jicin - I asked the same question because the 'snake expert' at the pet store I bought my snakes from said it would be OK. I thought it sounded a bit strange so I posted the question and I acted on the answers that people who obviously know more than I do posted. I'm new to snake keeping and at 40yrs old do not consider this to be some kind of youthful obsession that I haven't thought through before I started.

I know that you must get asked the same questions over and over again - I moderate another forum on a non snake subject and I know that sometimes the new guys can get a bit annoying by asking the same questions over and over again but let's face it guys - you were as green as us when you started - and I'll bet you had lots of questions as well.

So cut us a break! With respect! If you know of questions that are asked over and over again please pin them so that us new guys can just look at them without searching, because some of the new guys may not be too familiar with forums and how they work!