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choices of corns available to me

recycling goddess

addiction addict
i'm not sure if this is the right section to put this in, if it isn't i apologize.

i have two different breeders in my area. one has normal, anery and ghosts - which i've found pictures for.

the other has albinos, striped albinos, striped, and creamsicles.

so... i read that creamsicle is a cross between a rat snake and a corn. i didn't realize you could do that LOL (i'm learning everyday)

so of these... do any have a better disposition than others, or is it simply what you want it to look like?

in light,
(thanks everyone!)
I really comes down to personal preferences. I prefer Anerys, Ghosts, Charcoals - basically anything grey. I did have a pair of Creamsicles - I sold them to a friend - they were gorgeous but I really didn't want to get into hybrids. I haven't really noticed any difference in temperament between colors - I have a snow and a couple Amels that are a bit "fiestier" than most of my others. I have never had any problems handling any of them. In general as they age they seem to really mellow out.
Pretty much what you want it to look like.
I am not wild about creamsicles myself. They are pretty and hardy but I prefer pures to intergrades.
I have a serious weakness for stripes though although I have read that many people don't like them.

It's all in what you like! :)

You can always google the morphs to get an idea what the adults might look like.
well, i have no budget... my hubby is totally cool with whatever i do *menacing laughter* and these aren't all that expensive.


i am new to snakes... so new i have only touched one once... and that was the other day and i touched it's tail (it was a hatchling corn) and i was surprised at how soft it is. kinda like my silkworms!

so i think we should start with one... for my son and then allow the addiction to overtake me in a gentle warming rush of enthusiasm which, no doubt, will have all those fish outta their tanks and snakes taking their place in no time LOL

(can't get rid of fish... need more tanks) *said in robotic way*

well, then i'll just have to visit both breeders to see what they look like :) i'll post pics once we get one. probably in the next few weeks!!! *excited squeals*

i am in loooove with that site. thanks soooo much. really great quality photos and the choices...... ohhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo i'm in trouble! i've made a list... and it's getting longer by the second.

but butters, anything motley or striped... i'm realllly liking!

oh and the creamsicle okeetee.... oh man am i in love with that one!
You're welcome. I love that site, too. I mostly go there just to drool over the pictures. Sigh....
That is a great site BTW. Don is a wonderful guy and will help you with all your questions. Ironically, 7 years ago (when I was but a lad in need of a new pet) my dad ran accross that site and decided that it was high time that I was allowed to have a snake, seeing as how I had wanted a snake since I was old enough to talk and walk. Three months (and about a million e-mails) later, Don had us convinced that the corns were the best way to go, and to actually meet him at our local reptile expo to pick them out, since it would be the last one he did in our area. Good times, good times......
so far i agree with E.G.G. Don seems to be a great person to work with. ill be receiving my first snakes from him weds( female butter motley, and a male anery blood). i cant wait! :santa:

awhile back i has emailed Don with some questions about what he had and he acctually recomended another breeder to me if i didnt want to buy from him...... that really suprised me, i cant think of many others who'd do that. i tend to trust people alot more when they seem to value their potential customers like that. :cheers:

ill post pics of the lil' ones when the fedex guys shows up :D
well we went to the breeders tonight... and i purchased a ball python for myself :) he'll be coming home in the next few weeks once we get his enclosure made.

my son has chosen a creamsicle corn... and is thinking of possibly getting another as well. it was very exciting seeing all the snakes henry (breeder) has... hundreds of them - from 6 inches to 18 ft!
Congrats on the purchases! I hope you and your son enjoy your new critters. =D

Although I will warn you, the Ball Python Manual (same series as the Corn Snake Manual) really wasn't very helpful nor informative, at least for me. Most of my care information was gleaned from friends who own BP's and online resources from reptuable breeders.

And yes, Creamsicles are intergrades between the Great Plains Ratsnake and the Cornsnake. They're roughly separated by the Mississippi River, but intergrades where their species overlap have been noted in the wild. No trickery involved getting them to breed.

I've had a few and they have voracious appetites and seem to grow better and end up thicker than a pure corn snake, courtesy of the GP Ratsnake. Very hardy snakes indeed.

Corns can also interbreed with Kingsnakes and Milksnakes, but since both of those can be ophidophagus (snake eaters) in the wild, a certain degree of trickery is involved to get them to breed, rather than eat their cornsnake mate. That is the reason I don't prefer them, it just seems unnatural to me. But opinions are like noses, everyone has one.
well thank you for sharing your "nose" with me LOL

i think for my son, the colour of the creamsicle was all he needed to see. he said he wanted one which was orange and when those little guys started climbing out of their boxes and he saw the colour (after seeing the adults on the web) he was hooked LOL

the breeder, harry gave us alot of great info regarding ball pythons and we are feeling pretty good at this point regarding their care and enclosure. but i'll happily drink in any more info i can get from anyone else.

we aren't, at this point, planning on breeding any of the snakes.... although we are considering getting a female ball as well (need to research it a bit more first) but my daughter wants a balll... so we'll either get two males or one of each depending on what we find out. i've emailed henry to ask him questions before i make my decision...

oh man, these guys are addictive!!!

i must share though... i held a snake for the first time tonight... first my new ball baby - he was all rolled up in a ball and rested his head on my hand looking at me *ahhhhhhhhhhh* and then i was handed a pastel ball python - full grown male... oh man was he gorgeous... and i did fine until he brought his head around towards my face (just smelling me but...) and i gave him back to henry LOL - then my son held him and the grin on his face could have lit half of canada!!!

my little girl just kept saying over and over again... "mama can i get a snake too?" so we'll have to start her addiction as well. obviously, i'll be taking care of it for her as she's only 6.

creamsicle was a good choice,they tend to be a bit more hardy where as striped corns can be diffacult feeders and not a very good starter snake imo