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Brad Jr.

New member
I read on an earlier posting that you could use CO2 to kill mice. Does anybody know how I would go about that? What the process is and if it would work for a large rate also?

Does anyone know the process and if it would work for a large rat?

Sorry about the mistake on the previous posting.
i believe

its something like get a bag fill it with co2 and put the mice/rat in it

yeah it does work with a big rat
Count to ten and take a great big ol breath = final instructions to a mouse;)

CO2 is approved by humane societies as probably the most humane way to dispatch mousees.
With Co2 they just close there lil eyes and go nighty night ;-)

Do a google search for" whipped cream dispensers" of all things.

The nitrous oxide cartridges that those whipped cream dispensers use are the same size as co2 cartridges they sell for bb guns,makes for a efficient small scale hobbiest system to put them kids to sleep.

With a little imagination,a suitable smallish rubbermaid can be converted to be used as your "put em to sleep" chamber:)
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Don't mean to sound dumb.... but I am

To Cowboyway....

So what you're saying is that I can use a nitrous oxide whipped cream dispenser dealy bob instead of a co2 cartridge? Then too, how do these cartidges work? Do you just snip off the top and pop it in a container with the intended victum? And how many mice can be done with one cartridge?

co2 mini-cylinder gas extraction unit

You buy yourself a whipped cream dispenser unit and load it with co2 cartridges instead of the nitrous oxide which is used for propellent of the whipped cream.
Pull that sucker out on the holidays and serve the real deal whipped cream.
Just don't tell em what it's day job is.

Buy the best dispensor you can afford,top of the line is 30-40 dollars U.S., multiple gas loads can be loaded into these high end units.
The cheapo mini-dispensers (crackers) are 8 or ten bucks.
The dispensers last a lifetime,you only have to buy them once.
The cartridges are one shot disposible mini-cylinders,
BB gun co2 cylinder cartridges are pretty cheap though.
Restraunt supply houses stock/sell the dispensors and of course,are available on-line

The dispensers punch's open the seal of the co2 cartridge for you can easily dispense co2 into the container of your choice.

If you tried to use the nitrous instead,you would just have some seriously buzzing mice.
It would wear off in couple minutes.
I can just see some mouse waking up ,shaking it off,rubbing his eyes,just as a corn grab's em.
It's almost enough to make em swear that stuff off.;)
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