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Corn Snake Video

Dan W

New member
I was wondering if the big breeders ever thought of offering videos of some of there adult morphs. This has been done in the boa constrictor business. When new morphs were coming out a video was sold with several animals representing the different morphs. This was of tremendous help to many including myself. I would love to get a video like this because I am not sure which of the many corns I ultimately want to work with and this video would save me a lot of time and energy.

The videos had the breeder describing the various morphs as well as showing videos of several examples of each morph. All the beginner questions were answered as well as displays of the cages and breeding info. The video in my opinion was just more attractive and did a lot more than pictures did not that pictures did'nt do a lot. I guess its just a different perspective. It helped me a lot and I still have the videos and still look at them every once in a while. I compare my snakes with the breeders on the video. To me it was money very well spent but maybe thats just me.

Just out of curiosity, how much were the boas being sold for that those videos were made to promote?
The boas if I remember correctly were running around $75 on up to $1000 give or take. The other breeder had pics of all the snakes he works with. They ranged from about $50 on up to his introduction to the snake world.........the Arabesque Boa which at the time was around $10000. The first breeder still offers his videos even though they were from I believe 1997 and 1999 although his area of concentration has not changed.

Even before your reply to this thread I can see where Rich was headed with his question. As an operator of a buisiness myself, I tend to be slightly anal about expenses. If you ran a quick cost analysis on the expense of producing a video, even if you purchased all your corns from Rich, and purchased the most expensive he offered, Rich would still be in the RED. Now I'm sure the dealer offering the 10000. dollar boas will not sell as many snakes as Rich will, however his profit will be far greater. If your breeding boas or corns the expense is not much different.
Rich has done alot for the hobby and fellow breeders. This forum is a prime example. It is an expense to his buisiness. Check out his web site. He has detailed info on ALL of the morphs he offers.
I know he has spent hours typing up all the info on his experiences in breeding and descriptions and locations of accquasitions of his breeders etc. (you have haven't you Rich?)(just checking). I don't know what kind of car Rich drives, but I'm sure the cornsnake biz isn't so good he has a limo and a driver!
Ok Dan, I'm done now! Sorry, now that I have ripped your question apart. Welcome to the Forum. I think a video is also a good idea, but there has to be a cost to it---just like the Kathy and Bill Loves Corn Snake Manual.
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this videos is a good idea

but your right matt. it would be expensive.hey i got an idea. what if Rich, Don, and Kathy went thirds on the video. it wouldnt be that expensive split three ways would it, all three of them would be able to show people what they are offering and then the public would see that and instead of purchasing from a no name breeder(hopefully)they would go to Rich,Don,and Kathy. I think if i had a bussiness like either one of those three i would do it cause i dont think they would go in the red splitting it three ways. i also think it would increase sales.

just my 0.02
