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Corn with distended belly


hi i am a cornsnakeoholic
I Have a amber female corn (year of age and of average yearling size) who seems to have a rather nasty problem and i was wondering if anyone can advise me (esp corncrazy i thkn you may have seen this b4 being a vet nurse)

Once the corn has eatern she develops a distended belly about halfway down her body - this has only happened about 4 times now. It is not a normal amount of distention we are talking about up to three times her "normal" girth, and her gut reamins this way for at least 1week after feeding then it slowly returns to normal. The corn is displaying normal activity and interest i here surroundings and will eat if offered (although i have never offered while she is this state). The buldge is not solid it feels like water does in a balloon.
she hasn't reguratated a meal in long long time (at least 4 months), and the feces looks normal. she is keptand always has been kept on newspaper. she has her own cage and is in rack system wiht other snakes none of which show any kind of abnormality.

The vets over here claim she has some form of organ failer and should be put to sleep. However i feel this diagnosis is lacking in its "scientific" grounding which is no suprise (englands not to hot on herp vets yet)

If any of you have experianced anything like it i would like to know the diagnosis and what happened to the snake. thanks
Is there any herp place that can get you a blood panel? I remember reading something about somebody who had a similar problem, but I can't remember the outcome. Maybe you can use the search function and put in lump in the belly, and see what comes up.
Swollen Belly

I have seen this in one of my corns. I am useing GSE in the water and acidophilus (sp) on the feed. Go back to smaller meals for awhile with this treatment to see if it helps. I believe it may be an overgrowth of a gas producing bacteria that is to blame, but that is just speculation
In my view, if her behaviour is normal and she's still eating, then she's not showing signs of suffering - this would be the only reason I'd consider having her put to sleep.

I'd take the vet's opinion with a pinch of salt. Did they say WHICH organ they think had failed? Sounds a bit of a general diagnosis to be accurate and it doesn't really sound like they know what they're on about. Trust your instincts on this one.

I'm lucky and am blessed with a very knowledgeable reptile vet locally.

Edited to say:
Have found an online reptile vet. Try asking here:
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that was my point to them - they merely took an x-ray couldnt see anything and pronounced it organ failer - i will post some pics tomorrow so you guys can have a look - ill certainly try the GSE
Id like to think its only gas but the last itme i fed haer was 9 days ago and she still looks bloated, i guess i just have to wait and see
thanks for the replys guys
Hello limey,

I just found this post today. I've been working late and haven't had as much time to be on here lately.

Unfortunately, I have never seen this problem first hand. I think starting with the GSE is a good step. I have heard LOTS of good things from people who use it regularly. I have been thinking of trying it myself, too.

There was a thread a year or two ago, that was about a very similar illness. I will see if I can locate it.

I do think your vet's diagnosis is premature. Did they do any bloodwork? If not, then they cannot say without doubt that your snake is in some sort of organ failure. I believe it is possible to culture the contents of her stomach, as well. That would tell you if there is an abnormal organism in her digestive tract or an overgrowth of a normal organism.

You may also try some probiotics on her. I have used probiotics quite regularly with good success when any of my snakes have digestive problems (regurgitation mainly).

I am a member at Alex Hue's forum, as well. You may want to post this over there for Dr. Alan to give his opinion.
If you want to know the mix for the Grapefruit seed extract, it's 2-3 drops per 8 oz. of water. I would change the water daily too. I just mixed up a batch and kept it in a small picture and then filled my water bowl from there each day. Make sure it's grapeFRUIT seed, and not grape seed extract
Thanks guys i have been out and got hold of some gfs extract concentrate liquid, ill admisiter it to her and see if i get any improvement, and no they didnt do any blood analysis as far as a i aware (i am sure f they had they would have billed me for it!)
the picture i have included below is 10 days since feeding - she has deficated in this time and it seems normal.


  • illsnake.jpg
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Limey, where did you get the GFS in the UK? It sounds like it is worth keeping some around in case of problems, Thanks and I hope you little chap gets well soonn
I would think at any apothecary, would carry it. Or any type of health food store. The buissness I have we use it in our soaps. It has anti-microbial properties to it, which is great.
yeah just any health food store - in plymouth all the health shops sell it so it must be easy to get hold off - lets hope it does the trick ill try to remeber to update this thread if she does better