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Corns in a tube!

Rich in KY

Fortunate Fool
I don't remember why I took the "trees" out of their vivs, but this week I put them back in. I have a toilet paper tube attached to Vergere's tree, and a paper towel tube to Lumiya's. Almost immediately both found their way into the tubes.

Vergere has definitely outgrown the toilet paper tube :p :


While Lumiya always wants to know what is going on:


Thanks for looking!
Your snakes are so cute... It's amazing how something so simple becomes their favorite thing...

Thanks!! I will never spend money for a hide again. Between the tubes and the "Gladware" containers that come with my lunch meat my snakes have all they need. :p
omg..lol...those are such cute pictures! :D

My Okeetee loves his papertowel roll too..lol Soon I am going to have to figure out new tubing for him..lol
Awesome pictures :D Loving the packed tube!

Thanks! :) I was surprised when I saw her packed in there for the first time.

There is no such thing as "outgrown the tube" :)

Vergere certainly doesn't mind hanging out the end of the tube. :p

:) That's true, they'll keep stuffing themselves in there until they fall apart!

Very cute photos Rich. Who says snakes don't have personalities?

Thanks! Lumiya has always had the best "personality"

those are great pics! What a great idea with the branches and tubes, I've never heard of an arboreal corn :grin01:

Thanks! Corns are great climbers. When Lumiya was a baby, she never came out of her tree.

Haha great shots! I want to make those for my guys! :D

Thanks! They are easy to make. Your guys would love them!

OH! So cute and great idea! The last pic is priceless!

Thanks! Lumiya is the most curious snake I have ever had. She always has to look out of where she is hiding to see what I am doing.

omg..lol...those are such cute pictures! :D

My Okeetee loves his papertowel roll too..lol Soon I am going to have to figure out new tubing for him..lol

Thanks! Caedus, my male Charcoal, needs a bigger tube. I think I will go with some 2 inch PVC :rolleyes: Maybe he will fit in that
:) That's true, they'll keep stuffing themselves in there until they fall apart!

My snake has a large tube of thin bark that is nearly destroyed, but it's still in use. She can just barely get her full body in it. I can't seem to find one like it to replace it, I might also have to go with a large cardboard tube of some kind. Anyone know what comes on a big tube?
I may have to make her one.
Go to the post office/UPS/FedEx store and get a packing tube!!! I consider that the next step up from a paper towel roll!

Perfect! Thank you very much, I was going to look at a craft store. I could even wrap the old bark tube around it for looks.
Perfect! Thank you very much, I was going to look at a craft store. I could even wrap the old bark tube around it for looks.

Yes you could! The packing tubes are ALOT sturdier than paper towel rolls too :) I just wish my corn would even look at the TP roll :( He just likes his upside-down cup with the hole in it...:angry01:
one of my male RO's the other day got stuck in his paper towel tube after eating...it was kinda funny...he figured out he needed to go backwards to get out. Love tubes, they are the best!!!