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Daytona!!! again. . . who'se there??


I like cats.
Earlier this year I asked who is going to Daytona and didn't get much of a reply. Too early, I guess. It will be my first time to Daytona and my first reptile expo ever. I can't wait to get there, and also, I am concerned with the fact that if I buy some snakes there, how do I get them home? I was thinking UPS to myself or put 'em in a small container (sock? plastic bag w/holes, etc) and in my pocket on the plane?? (we assume hatchlings here and very discreet and careful). I am not supposed to get any more snakes, but come on-- it's Daytona! I've never been, but I feel the energy of it already. I can just see myself selling my plane ticket home for some of these corns- especially after I see them in person! Personally I will be looking at bloodreds, lavs, butters, opals and stripes and all of those cultivars (except stripe I guess) as motleys.

I was wondering who else of you is gonna be down there and if you are, what are you loooking for as far as cornsnsakes are concerned? I hope I can restrain myself from getting one of each! Anyone from Cornsnakes.com forums want to get together down there and talk corns? I myself will be showing some artwork at the "Cold-Blooded Creations" art show next door and I'm working on some small pieces of art to give to members of the corn and ball communities just for fun. If you want one and will be down in Daytona, let me know and I can hook you up!

I've had dreams about finding my perfect snake down there-- If I see a nice butter motley yearling, a ghost stripe or a killer bloodred sub-adult with an awesome disposition, I'll be floored-- hopefully I won't be disappointed and come home without any new babies. Anyway, let's talk Dytona in this thread (and cornsnakes) there are only a few days left! I know Rich and Kathy will have tables. Anyone else? Clint, Darrin, Don?? See you there! I'll be the one holding my extra cash of a piddly hundred bucks or so and drowning in my own puddle of drool!
I will be there for my 2nd year! You will be amazed with all the stuff they have and how BIG it is!
I myself will be showing some artwork at the "Cold-Blooded Creations" art show next door and I'm working on some small pieces of art to give to members of the corn and ball communities just for fun. If you want one and will be down in Daytona, let me know and I can hook you up!
How much would these pieces be? I LOVE art work and small pieces of art and sculptures of herps and I would be very interested in one! I hope to see alot of you there! I know Don S. will have a table there. I am looking for a nice DEEP red bloodred corn preferably female! (Can anyone give me a table # that might have one?! LOL) I CANT WAIT ITS KILLING ME to wait for daytona! I am just tingling all over waiting for it! Most Of all HAVE FUN! :p :D :cool: ;)
I'll be going Sunday (would rather go Saturday, but have other plans :()
I won't be buying any new animals this time. Mostly buying supplies, hopefully a nice cage for my rainbow boa.
I have to take a lot of pictures this time, too. My webshots album from last year's expo is now the first thing to come up in a Yahoo search for daytona expo.
I'll be there! Someone pick a meeting place--(Like Richs table wouldn't be a natural)--Thats if there is any room left around it. Oh and yes I will be there both days.
I plan to have about ten or so small prints to give away for free. My stuff at the show will be for sale, too, but I thought making up some small pieces and giving them out would be a good way to get to meet some fellow cornsnake and ball people. We could meet up at Rich's table- since I plan on spending a good amount of time there anyway as we all probably do. I think I'll only be able to attend Saturday since I'm leaving Sunday from Orlando. And I guess it'll be whoever I see first gets the prints. What time will be best to meet? I'm so excited I might just explode. Only four days and I'll be on my way!

CrazyCorn said:
I will be there for my 2nd year! You will be amazed with all the stuff they have and how BIG it is! How much would these pieces be? I LOVE art work and small pieces of art and sculptures of herps and I would be very interested in one! I hope to see alot of you there! I know Don S. will have a table there. I am looking for a nice DEEP red bloodred corn preferably female! (Can anyone give me a table # that might have one?! LOL) I CANT WAIT ITS KILLING ME to wait for daytona! I am just tingling all over waiting for it! Most Of all HAVE FUN! :p :D :cool: ;)
Oh ok its all clear now! (hehe) I will be there both day and i will be mostly hanging out there saturday in the morning but what do you say we all meet about 11:30am ???? I will be at the three main tables of course! (Don, Rich, Kathy) and will probably "hang out" till about 12:00 I am hoping to see alot of people from online there! What to look for is a 14 year old with two 43/44 year old parents Size: About 6'5 big build I will be wearing a shirt that says "CrazyCorn" not sure on color though and size 19 Mens Shoes, ok? lol just a brief description! Anybody else want to give a brief description? LOL dont be shy! ;) Oh and AGAIN HAVE FUN!
You know, you all just reminded me of something. Took nearly a YEAR for me to remember it, too!

At the Tinley Park show last year, a lot of people (I think it was the FaunaClassifieds crowd) said they were going to meet up at my table on Saturday. I don't know what time that was (wouldn't have mattered anyway, because I probably still had my watch set to Eastern Standard Time!), but no one said a word to me about it and I guess I was too busy to notice. Sheesh, what a joik! Sorry!!

Quite frankly, I expect to be a complete zombie at the Daytona show. I have so much to do to get ready that it makes my head throb just thinking about it. Connie is in taking a nap right now with the alarm set to go off at midnight. I'm spending my *break* trying to catch up on emails and stuff.

I just got a notice that a guy is doing a herp show here in Tallahassee the weekend right before this year's Tinley Park show. Man, I hate back to back shows! But it's in my own back yard, practically, and I can come home every night and get work done around here, so maybe it won't be too bad.
It just ain't in the cards!......

I'd love to be able to attend but my responsibilities here on the west coast prevent me once again!

Just get lots of pictures and post them here so I can at least get a feel for the atmosphere!

Have FUN!
I'm already packing my bags....

My husband and I will be there! We are flying down Friday and will be at the show both days. Once a for sure time and place to meet is decided please post it. I'd enjoy meeting some of the names I see here everyday.

Clint, sorry you can't make it...but never fear. My camera is charged and I've got two memory sticks for it. I'm sure I can take a pic or two for ya.

Everyone have a safe trip, have lots of fun and make sure you save enough money back to get you home. ;)
Well, CornCrazy suggested Saturday, 11:30. I think that will be good. I probably won't go to the show Sunday, but I encourage you guys to meet then again if you can!
Well, look for me- I'm a short girl who looks about 16 (I'm really 24) and I think I'll be wearing orange, but I can't guarantee it. I'll be with my mom. My real name is Janie. I'm sure we'll figure it out when we get there at 11:30 at Rich's table all looking like we're looking for someone. Can't wait!