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Don't bite the hand that feeds you

Rich in KY

Fortunate Fool
Apparently Lumiya, my female Charcoal, has never heard this.

It was my fault. I normally put her in her feeding container, then show her a mouse. She has become a great strike feeder.

Tonight for some reason, I put the mouse in her feeding container before I put her in it.

As soon as I put her in the container, she went into hunt mode. Looking for a mouse to strike.

Stupidly, I reached towards the mouse laying 1 inch from her.

Instantly *BAM* she struck.

Almost as instantly she realized I do not taste very good and released me. But the damage was done.

At this point I decided to let her find the mice on her own. It didn't take long.

For those interested, Here is my war wound in all its glory:

Ouch..nearly bit your finger off there..lol

Well for future references now ya both know better..you'll know not to put your hand near her food, and she'll know to strike ya again if you do..lol...j/k
I have one snake that tagged me once. She will stay in "hunt" mode for a very long time after eating, and it was my mistake trying to get her back into her viv afterwards.

Hope you didn't bleed to death. You did put a tourniquet on right? LOL
Thanks for sharing.
Ouch! That's absolutely tragic, Rich! I'm glad you were able to pull yourself together enough to share this terrible experience with us. Ya know we're all here for each other in hard times like this!
Welcome to the "Bite Club" Rich, you have been well and truly initiated :grin01:

I hope you did take the remedy, I can guarantee it will make you feel loads better and get over the shock quicker :D
Oh my goodness! That wound looks bad. You better get that remedy started right away like Janine said. :)
lol!!!!Too funny.Bet you won't do this again lol

Unfortunately, I am not the brightest person in the world :eek1:

My initial reaction, once she let go, was to reach for the mouse again. When she started moving toward my hand again, that's when I decided to just back away and let her find the mouse on her own. :cool:

Hopefully I learned to wait til she is in her feeding container before giving her the mouse.
OMG! That is one NASTY wound! I'm glad to hear you've already started the proper treatment. You have to make sure you kill all the deadly microbes now cruising through your blood stream with a high enough alcohol level. Lucky for you it's the week-end coming up so you can follow the prescribed treatment.
Welcome to the "Bite Club" Rich, you have been well and truly initiated :grin01:

I hope you did take the remedy, I can guarantee it will make you feel loads better and get over the shock quicker :D
I still havent gained membership to this club yet:awcrap:
Yes, welcome to the club. My female makes me pay the dues weekly lately. She's still making up for lost feeds during breeding and she is quite ravenous even after 2 mice. She got my thumb last week and the back of my hand this week. If you move you must be food is her motto.
I still havent gained membership to this club yet:awcrap:

Me either. I'm not sure I even want to gain membership. I'm so afraid of Jake biting me because he's such a sweetheart. But I'm pretty sure it will happen. So when it does, I'll have something to be happy about! =)