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I do not usually have allergies but have had them lately and have been taking this wonderful (for me) medication, the generic form of Zyrtec. Doesn't make me sleepy like some cold meds do, totally works.

When I take this med though, I notice that I have disturbing dreams. Can't remember all of them. Coincidence? I don't know.

Do any of y'all get particular kinds of dreams that you can link to food or medication?
Can't say that I have. Except when I have gone on a strict diet, I sometimes dream of ice cream, lol!

But I have had sinus headaches since I was a teenager. A few years ago, I saw Dr. Oz on the Oprah show explaining how to use the neti pot. I tried one, and it is GREAT! It is just a simple saline wash of the sinuses. If you haven't ever tried one, try it - it is for anyone who ever has nasal or sinus congestion, whether from allergies, colds, or whatever. Here is more info on it:

Sorry to somewhat hijack your thread, but the neti pot is such a great treatment that avoids drugs, that I have to tell everyone about it whenever the subject comes up.

Back to drug induced dreams, lol! Anyone??
Nicotine patches gave me some pretty vivid dreams the times I tried to quit smoking with them... Not disturbing dreams though, just - busy if that makes any sense.. I also tried to quit smoking again with this new drug called chantix and that stuff did make me have some disturbing dreams (along with some other horrible side effects)
I can't really link to food or allergens per se....but when I feel a little under the weather I sometimes have disturbing dreams.

I actually just had one the other day that freaked the heck out of me. I wasn't feeling too great...stuffy nose, sinus issues, that sort of thing. I remember the TV shutting off (I have it set on a sleep timer) and I started dozing off...

Then I felt my neck sort of freeze and seize up, I felt like I was paralyzed, couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't breath. It felt so real that I'd swear it actually happened...but logic tells me it had to be some sort of dream, even if I was only in a half dream state (surroundings, everything, was still the same). I tried reaching out with my arm, wouldn't move. I tried yelling and screaming for help, couldn't talk. About the time I felt like I was going to black out from not breathing, my arm suddenly moved and I 'woke up' and sat straight up in bed thinking "wtf was that?" It still confuses me. That was the first time I had a "dream" (or whatever it was) like that.

My usual disturbing/scary nightmares of sorts that happen when I'm not feeling well usually involve me being chased by something or other...only I move really sloooooooooow, I trip over things, and then when the thing that is chasing me catches up I try to fight it but my kicks and punches are again super sloooooooow and do minimal/no damage.

So yeah. When I'm feeling healthy, I rarely remember dreams...but the ones I do remember are usually good dreams that frankly I'd like to fall asleep and go back into :rofl:. When I'm sick...I have the more nightmare-ish type dreams.
Zoo... that actually probably wasn't a dream.

It's called sleep paralysis. Normally it only occurs once we are unconscious, and is the mechanism that prevents us from acting out our dreams.
ZoologyGirl, that's called sleep paralysis. It's not dangerous but it's completely terrifying! I think I remember learning in psychology that it can be caused by your brain waking up before your body does, because your brain essentially paralyzes you while you're sleeping so you don't act out your dreams. Check out this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis

As for the original question, I have always had really strange and vivid dreams, regardless of whether I'm taking medication or if I'm sick. I have heard that some SSRIs can cause this same effect too. I generally only have bizarre or unsettling dreams (or those are the only ones I remember, at least) and I had night terrors when I was younger, but I seem to have grown out of those at least. My boyfriend always likes to hear about my dreams in the morning because they're so weird. :lol:
Zoo... that actually probably wasn't a dream.

It's called sleep paralysis. Normally it only occurs once we are unconscious, and is the mechanism that prevents us from acting out our dreams.

You know, I never heard of it before...but looked it up and the symptoms/experience sound exactly like that's what it was. It was a scary feeling, that's for sure. And now that I know about it...I think it explains a few times something similar has happened to me in the past...though it was never as long and drawn out and scary as this time.
Sleep paralysis is not uncommon for me either. No fun!

Lucille, I take Zyrtec when my allergies act up... I can't remember any strange dreams from it, but next time I take it, I'll special attention to my dreams that night. Hmmm...
I take ambien as a sleep aid and it gives me crazy dreams at least a couple times a week. They usually pertain to something I had going on that day.

For example, my kids don't like to eat and I end up helping them out sometimes by eating half their food for them. lol I just hate seeing food go to waste. My wife was laughing about it one night. After that I fed my snakes and went to bed. I dreamt I woke up and ate the my snakes uneaten mice because I didn't want them to go to waste. I wanted to puke when I woke up. lol It was a very realistic dream and that's how they go on ambien.

The weirdest reaction I had was when I was younger and dumber. I was using andro for strength training/ weight lifting. The last day I used it I worked out, and then watched The Grudge with my wife. That night I had a dream that the ghost/girl from the movie was crouched down and trying to hide at the foot of my bed. I went to the foot of the bed and started throwing punches at it, yelling come on, come on. My wife woke me up and I was really at the food of the bed, throwing punches at the air and yelling. I thought I was awake, but I guess I was, kind of, sleep walking. I won't take that stuff again!
When I got my wisdom teeth removed, the dentist gave me vicodin, tylenol 3, and flexeril (not to be taken all at once). As far as dreams... there were none! If I took one of those, I was OUT.

But on the subject of dreams in general... The other night I dreamt that I went to look in my snake's tank and found like 8 different hatchlings, all of morphs I like, and they were beautiful. But, I was panicking because I couldn't find MY snake. I thought it was pretty symbolic that even though I found all the colors I loved just sitting there, I freaked out because the normal I was attached to was missing.
I take zyrtec once a day in order to not be allergic to my animals (some days it works better than others). I do not generally dream, or if I do I don't remember them. I do have nightmares from time to time, typically related to bad things that have happened to me or around me. Unfortunately I do remember those. :bang:
i was in the hospital a few years ago, and when they sent me home, the meds they gave me caused some SERIOUSLY crazy dreams.
this was probably about 8 years ago...and i still remember one of them as clearly as if it had been last night.

I was in a HUUUUUUGE house. think old Victorian mansion. i was on the top floor in a massive room, that was decorated and lit like a ballroom. In the room were rough wooden benches and tables that were set as if to feed many many many people. There were people at every place setting...cowboys and nurses and astronauts and construction workers, business men/women...but also aliens and creatures i didnt recognize. something kind of like aqua man, something kind of like predator. just many people, many ages, and apparently, many planets.
there was no food, because in the dream, as i watched, people/creatures were eating themselves. Some of the creatures with big mouths were just trying to chew through the table...but most were chewing on their own arms and such. I was seated near the end of a long table with my back to the wall, next to someone in an old diving suit, the huge metal helmet and space man looking suit. it was covered in seaweed, and the tank was laying on the floor. the person in the suit reached up and opened the front of the helmet and really foul smelling water came just pouring out, and i could see the person in the suit was dead, but they were trying to eat themselves anyway.
after this in the dream, its all just me being terrified trying to find a way out... in the dream, all i could think was that they would 'wake up' and start trying to eat me.
it was very vivid. very real. my mother came and woke me up because i was screaming.
most other dreams i have are caffine related and not like that at all...:)