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Exo Terra waterfall... Suitable for snakes?


Desperate to Edit
I'm working on planning a few layouts for some vivs, and one of them would look really nice with this. Thing is, I'm not sure if it would work for a corn?

The humidity here in Washington is HIIIIGH. I've never seen it dip under 65%, and it's usually much higher, like 75%-85%. Saga never soaks in her water bowl (or at least, she never leaves any evidence that she does) and does not have a humid hide; I don't even mist the tank and yet she has perfect sheds every time. Only problems I ever had were when she didn't want to eat anything that hadn't been slit for a few weeks after a shed and this last shed, where she took almost three weeks at it before I put her in a bin with water and a hand towel to speed it up so I could finally feed the poor bugger. :p So I don't think a snake being able to soak in it is a big deal, at least not here.

But would it make the humidity too high? Would the snake even know what to do with it? Could it be tipped over?

I dunno.... What do y'all think?
The main hazard seems to be the Corns pooping in the water and that getting into the pump and gumming it up.

Never heard of one being tipped over - they seem pretty stable.
My bet is no. I think that the humidity would get really high and you would get mold. But let's hear other opinions, shall we ^^.
I would say no for two reasons, I have read a lot about bacteria building up in the waterfalls and there are areas where the snake can get inside the waterfall.
I would say no as well... creates too much humidity, too much germs and if the snake poops in them too hard to get really clean.
I just read the amazon reviews, sounds like that waterfall doesn't work so well anyways. It's a neat idea though!
Well, that's a bummer. :p

Hmm... Maybe I could find one that's broken and then use some kind of clear resin or clear nail polish or something to make it look sort of like a waterfall? :p Fill the basin with resin and pain the waterfall "tracks" with nail polish so they look wet....

Or maybe there's something else out there that would look just as good. XD Thanks for the advice, guys. :)