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Feeding frequency (& shed) when recuperating?


New member
I tried searching for an answer to this but can't seem to find it...

As you know our Okeetee (now 15 months old) had a nasty tail accident on Jan 18, so almost 3 weeks ago. From what my son told me, he usually feeds her on a 5 day schedule, she was due to eat on the 18th (he was thawing a mouse when he found her).

We tried offering her food a week after the accident & then again a week after. She poked the mouse & then turned away either to go drink or go back & hide. Now she's into a shed phase (she finally went into a blue phase yesterday or the day before. I wrote it down on somewhere, would have to go refresh my memory) & if I read correctly, this can last 7 to 10 days before she actually sheds?

These past two days she was so dark, I was actually concerned because she was also staying on the cold side & seemed lethargic. But after checking her out & holding her close to my body, she would warm up & perk up, then would offer her water which she would drink loads of. The bowl is kept in her viv. (I've caught her hovering over it a few times when I'd turn the room light on as if caught in the act). This morning, after staying on the warmer side all night (I'll assume), her colouring was not as dark & she was perkier, though still really thirsty when offered. She looks like she's coming out of the blue phase?

So after this loooong post my question would be, should we just continue making sure she drinks & leave her be? Or should we offer her at least pinkies since it's been so long since she last fed? (She usually eats fuzzies) Or just monitor her & offer food as soon as she sheds, if so again, since it's been so long, do we down scale the size of the meal but offer as many as she wants (within reason of course) or just go ahead with the fuzzy?

Thanks :)
I would wait til after she sheds and then offer her a large pinky. Maybe try boiling it? There are a couple threads floating around with details. If you can't find them I can try to link later. I'm sure she isn't eating b/c she hurts, but she needs some nutrients to help the healing process.
Thanks Alicia. Yeah that's the thing, the body slows down to use its energy to fix itself but it needs nutrients to be able to do that... catch 22

I went to check up on her & she was still on the UTH all nice & cozy. She's out of the blue phase (eyes are clear), very active, especially loved my husband's tweed cap, she was rubbing her nose/face on it & we saw itty bitty flakes just starting to come up on her nose & chin. So soon I gather. I applied more poly on her tail, there's quite a scab on it now.

We'll pick up a couple of large pinkies. I just checked & it's hoppers that she was eating, so clearing that up, would I still go with large pinkies or get fuzzies? (Sorry had a brain fart & forgot she was at the hopper stage & was calling them fuzzies. D'uh!)
Personally I would try to get her to eat a lg pink this time around. If she takes it and passes it fine, in 5 days give her to 2 pinks, then move to hoppers for a feeding or two, then eventually back to fuzzies.

Please take into consideration I'm a newb to, but from the looks of her wound and it's close relation to her vent it just sounds like it would be a good idea to reintroduce food slowly. The smaller the meal, the smaller the poop (less stretching, on the ouchy parts) and also it's not going to take as much energy to process.
Isn't the size from small to big: pinkies, fuzzies, hoppers, adult? (Just trying to remember the size order) :)
Ugh... writing when distracted & no edit function... gah!

Yeah I was thinking of the same thing re when it comes out the other end or... does that not really matter if she ends up gobbling up more than one pinkie in one sitting. It'll all get digested at the same time no?
Awesome! She just ate a pinkie! :dancer: I feel better. We got a shed & now she ate at least something. :)