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Feeding my corn

Hi there, this area seems to be down to your discretion. I personally feed my snakes in a seperate feeding tub, it means i have an excuse to handle them more and gives me the perfect time to clean there vivs out each week. Thats why i feed them out of their vivs, others say it stops them associating your hand with food when you put it in the viv everytime. But there are people on here who feed their snakes in there vivs and have no probs. Like i said it is the ideal opportunity to clean there vivs out while there eating away for 30-45 mins lol. Hope this helps MArk
Better in a tub, if you feed in the vivarium, there's a chance the snake could swallow a bit of ther substrate and this could cause an impaction.
I feed my corn in a seperate container because he's being a live only snob. He tosses the f/t around the feeding tank like a toy and I don't want him to ingest any substrate in his little game of "chase the dead mouse but don't eat it". Today he learned the "snatch the live mouse up and eat it in my hand" trick while I was putting him into the container and it scarred the you know what out of me... I feared for my exposed thumb less then the thought of him regurging because of my nervousness of a squeeking fuzzy being eaten less then an arms length from my face. I feed my king in her tank on paper towels or plate because when she's hungry she'll go for anything small and pink like my little finger... When she's not, she's very docile and lets me pick her up, carry her around, and pose her for pics.... I have a feeling you'll see many different reasons why people on here feed the way they do and this is just two of mine... but I only have two snakes so far....
I feed mine in a separate tub with a lid that seals tight. my one snake, Shadow, is a shy eater. I usually have to put him in his tub in the morning with his food and leave him alone until I come home for lunch. if there are ANY distractions at all, he wont eat. I have tried to leave a pinky in his viv with him, but i swear he has the attention span of a goldfish. "oh food! oh look a branch for me to climb on! Hey look Food! oh wait whats that over there?"
My other snakes dont care. I've put them in their tubs and before i can even get the lid on, they're already eating.
I also use the opportunity to clean their vivs and to handle them before I feed them.
Travis is like your Shadow when it came to eating the second pink, I was feeding in the viv (it was a one off thing, and I took the hide out and covered the bark with kitchen roll, and the pinks were in a dish) The first he's fine and takes it straight away, he roams about a bit and occasionally sniffs the other pink but turns away to climb, and reach for a way out of the viv, comes back, sniffs, 'omg you changed my water! what a darling!' Finally comes back and thinks.. 'oh hello!.. have we met?' and gobbles it up :rolleyes:
unfortunately for Shadow it took me a few feeding attempts to figure out that he just has a bit of an attention deficit disorder. so he's a bit puny compared to Blaze. But now that I know that I can leave him in a tub for a few hours alone with no problems, he's been eating more and finally putting on some weight. at first, i was feeding them in their vivs. but a friend told me that probably wasnt a great idea, so i started to feed them in tubs. and i noticed that Shadow was eating more regularly. although he can still take a good hour or so to eat.