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Feeding Pinkies


New member
my snake is eating thawed pinkies. How old or what size should he be before feeding him live pinkies? Also, how do i tell if it's a male or a female?
You really don't ever HAVE to start feeding live. In my opinion, it would be best to stick with the F/T mice then have to go with live.

As for sexing: I'd take your snake to a vet to be probed...or find someone who knows how to do it properly.
Also, Tyler -

Bear in mind that you should be moving from a smaller size to a larger size rodent, not from frozen/thawed to live. I noticed in your introduction thread that you said your corn snake is a "yearling". Usually, snakes that old are well off of pinkies and are feeding on fuzzies. Be sure to check out the FAQs on the forums for proper husbandry/feeding.

Good luck with your snake, and welcome to the forums!

TylerW said:
will he eventually go on to adult mice?
by all means! Each "step up" in rodent size translates to more nutrition for the snake, ie, fuzzies have more nutrition than pinks, adults more than fuzzies, etc. As previously mentioned, check out the FAQs regarding feeding and growth.

TylerW said:
do you know how to tell between male and female. He has eaten some thawed fuzzies.
Then why go back to pinkies? I'm confused!
As jazz just said, fuzzies are soo much better for your snake - if he/she is large enough to eat them don't go down a size again. You'll more than likely see a massive growth spurt when snakey's been on fuzzies a while.

P.S. Most would recommend not ever switching to live, for many reasons but not least because when he is eventually feeding on adult mice, his food can actually do serious harm to him.

As for sexing, you can often tell by the shape of tail (do a search, lol) but this is obviously inconclusive and the only real way of knowing is a visit to an experienced person (a reputable breeder for example) who will probe him/her. There's no real need to do this unless you intend on breeding though.
as long as the fuzzy is 1.5 times as wide as the snake then i'd definitely try to give him a fuzzy. especially if he's a year old. how big is he?
and i wouldnt recommend going to live mice at all. i know where i'm at, it's really hard to find live feeders in town. and most snakes, once you feed them live they wont take frozen/thawed again. and you really dont want to have to find live hoppers or live small mice. most pet stores only carry live adult mice as feeders.
corn snakes progress from pinkies to fuzzies to hoppers to small mice and then to adult mice as they grow up.
and look into getting Kathy Love's book "comprehensive guide to corn snakes"...and read it cover to cover and backwards and upside down. :grin01: that book has everything you will need to know about your corn snake.