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Feeding questions?

Gary Colemans lover

Seriously though.
Hola, I am a new person-thing to this forum crap. :wavey: I got my candy-cane corn about 6 months ago. And I have no idea how old he was when I bought him. But, at least I saved him from evil petco! Rah. :grin01:

Anywho, he is about 2 feet in length, maybe an inch or two shorter. But, I have been feeding him 5 pinkies. Someone from ballpythons.net said it would be healthier to feed him this many, and everyone else that replied to my forum agreed with him. And my friend said for this small of a snake I should be feeding him only like 2.

My question is how many pinkies should I be feeding him?
I'm thinking if it's taking 5 pinks regularly and no regurge, then you should try 1-2 fuzzies. Once it's taking 2 fuzzies no problems, then move up to hoppers and so on. But 5 is alot.

He hasn't regurged at all.. But I was worried about him getting obese or something. And I don't think he is big enough for fuzzies. x_x I fed him a peach fuzzy about 2 months ago and he could hardly get that down. I shall take a picture of him! And hopefully it will get on here in like..10 years. I'm too lazy. :crazy02:
Well if they're telling you he should be getting 5 pinks a feed then it sounds like they don't know their collective arses from their collective elbows!

Move him straight onto fuzzies and after no more than 3-4 feeds, I'd say he could move onto hoppers at that size. I have a snake of about those dimensions and about that age that eats small weanlings without a drama.


Have a look at that thread and you'll see pics of her and one of her eating an easy sized meal. Your snakie isn't getting the right nutrition from pinkies. He'll be much better off on one properly sized meal every 6-7 days than being stuffed full of pinkies.

Princess is right, a snake can survive on pinkies, but they will not THRIVE on them. It would be like you or me eating 10 jars of baby food. Yeah, it might fill you up, but are you getting the proper nutrition you need. My amel was in the same boat as her snake. 1 pinkie a week for more than half a year, how sad. When I got her back in April, she too was only about 20g, but now she is almost up to 40 in just a few months of eating well.
Young growing snakes rarely have obesity problems....especially feeding such small food items. Your snake could easily take fuzzies at this point and probably hoppers.