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For Sickos Who Like Bite Pics

Roy Munson

New member
I was trying to get some unshed skin off of my dwarf BCI's tail. She became increasingly agitated, and finally got me in the back of the forearm. I had a feeling that she was going to get pissed, so I wore gloves, but she carefully selected a spot beyond the gloves. :grin01:

For a small snake, she's got a big mouth.


  • 112607 isabella bite (2).JPG
    112607 isabella bite (2).JPG
    48.9 KB · Views: 202
Hey I think I'll have a drink in honor of your bite. Wow! What a cool bite! Did it hurt? Wow! Cool! Got anymore bites? Oh! I'm not sick just morbid. :dancer::dancer: susang
Ha ha ha ha :D
I needed that chuckle for the day.
Seriously though, don't ya hate that it's the shock of getting bit that gets the adrenaline going, not the actual "injury".
-->going to look up pics of your vampire snake now ;)
Janine: You're evil. I didn't even have booze on the brain until you started in. Fortunately (?) I live about 90 seconds away from a liquor store. The situation has been remedied, and I'm ingesting my own medication now. ;)

Mike: You like that one? I didn't even squeeze it for dramatic effect. :grin01:

Susan: It actually didn't hurt at all. Her teeth must be very long and fine. Usually I get a tearing wound from a colubrid, but she just stabbed me and pulled straight back out. And I DO have more bites from today, or at least one anyway. An '06 lavender female of mine bit me in the palm today. But the wound wasn't impressive enough to post. ;)
Ha ha ha ha :D
I needed that chuckle for the day.
Seriously though, don't ya hate that it's the shock of getting bit that gets the adrenaline going, not the actual "injury".
-->going to look up pics of your vampire snake now ;)
I do hate that shock, but there was no adrenaline rush this time-- maybe because I didn't actually see her strike. If you're looking her up, you can search for "Isabella". :)
I found her already, very pretty girl!
Thanks Traci. :D She's a Bluefields Nicaragua dwarf bci. She's tiny-- she's an '05 and I don't think she even weighs 200g. She eats well, but she grows extremely slowly. My sister Sarah has her male counterpart, and he's not that much bigger (maybe 350g). I wanted to breed them, but there's no way I'll even think about it if she doesn't hit at least 1kg. That could take forever. :rolleyes:
I think you are lucky she is small ;) Big boas bites hurt a lot. They have long teeth for holding on to large birds.

I have been bitten accidently by my Burmese python when she was around 14 foot. Man that hurt. Teeth where in my hand (right into my bones). The scary part was that she did not release and started to threw a few coils around my hand. I nearly sh!t my pants. Luckily she realised rather quickly I was no food and release her grip and bit and acted as if nothing happend and returned to be her darling self. LOL
I think you are lucky she is small ;) Big boas bites hurt a lot. They have long teeth for holding on to large birds.

I have been bitten accidently by my Burmese python when she was around 14 foot. Man that hurt. Teeth where in my hand (right into my bones). The scary part was that she did not release and started to threw a few coils around my hand. I nearly sh!t my pants. Luckily she realised rather quickly I was no food and release her grip and bit and acted as if nothing happend and returned to be her darling self. LOL
I'm glad she let you live to tell the tale, Marcel! This bite would have probably hurt more if it was a feeding-response bite, but it wasn't. It was a purely defensive grab-and-go affair. She was letting me off with a warning. :)
If you have any tea tree oil, thats good for wounds, diluted of course.
I am the sicko who likes to get bit not look at it hehehe JK.
Getting Bit

Ok,well being I own alot of the same type of snakes as you and even some of the same snakes as you and only been bit one time in a few years leads me to believe there is something else that is causing this.I read your post about the honduran and he was always very calm with me! Since snakes sense things mostly with smell,I wonder if its a type of cologne or maybe deoderent that you are using? It also could be something else but what? You may want to consider checking a few things out,cause it just seems wierd to me! You may figure out what it is and it may be good for you and your snakes! Just a thought! :shrugs: