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For the Love of a Dog


New member
Things have been tough over the past few days and I just need a bit of support.
My 13 year old dog Zoey seems to be aging in front of my eyes and it's killing me. She has had back problems for a couple years now but now she's really struggling. She's started to get a lot of pain in her back legs and one seems to be slow to respond. Meaning the swelling in her back may be starting to press on her spinal cord.

We are doing everything we can but it doesn't seem to be enough. I refuse to do surgery, especially with her age and the recovery time in a crate. I've done chiro, anti inflammatories and muscle relaxers for her. We've done massages and exercises but it seems to be getting to her still.

In the past 6 months she has gone from the happy go lucky forever puppy I have always know to this old dog. I'm suddenly faced with her mortality and I can hardly take it.

She's been my best friend for so long. She's been with me through the hardest parts of my life, moved with me to 3 states, I've even known her longer than my husband. She is my constant. She always makes me laugh and is the happiest being I know. She is my Heart Dog.

Last night my husband and I started to talk about what if scenarios when it comes to her back and I could hardly get through the conversation. We had to put down our 14 year old rescue in September and we only had her for 3 glorious years. I've had Zoey since she was 10 months old. My first dog on my own, my first mutt and my first pound dog. How could I live without her?

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I just need a bit of support.

Oh my friend....unfortunately rough times always seem to come in lumps. It isn't easy, I know trust me, ad we it comes to our pets its very tough as they are our family too.

I just lost my pal Baxter, a Golden Retriever and my cat Felix this past year, I too didn't think that I could get through it, I did and you will overcome your hard times as well.

Putting down a pet is not easy, IF that's what it come too, I used solitude and friends to get me through it, If you guys need, you have us.

Hang in there, I wish you guys love.
I'm sorry you're going through that. My dog Bella was diagnosed with bone cancer about a year and a half ago. I swore I wouldn't do/couldn't afford surgery to amputate her leg, but when it came right down to it, I did it, without even knowing the cost. She's doing well, but has a tumor in her other leg now, which is inoperable. But the added year+ the surgery gained her were worth thousands to me.

I know the day is coming sooner rather than later, though. I got Bella's replacement, Ella, a year ago Thanksgiving. But then Bella had surgery, and the younger, playful dog seemed to rejuvenate her. As the end approaches, I thought about fostering a dog. There are SO many dogs that just need a break. If they get out of the shelter, they have time to become dogs that any family would love to have. Time for training, time to get used to a crate, riding in a car, walking on a leash. But before I could really put that plan into motion, I saw a dog for adoption that I had to have.

I think- your gut reaction is I NEVER want to hurt this much again, ever in my life, I'm never getting another dog. But I believe that only another dog can really heal your heart.
... I think- your gut reaction is I NEVER want to hurt this much again, ever in my life, I'm never getting another dog. But I believe that only another dog can really heal your heart.
So well stated Nanci.

HVani, I am so sorry for your pain and have shared it in the past. It is very tough to lose a family member and to see the loss coming compounds it. Take care.
Thank you all.

After we loss our 14 year old in September we did adopt another rescue a couple months later. She is a great dog and Zoey seems to really like her. It's just been tough to bond with her after dealing with the loss.
Oh my. It is so hard watching one of your animals you lo.ve so much start to show signs of aging. My best friend recently had to put down her 13 year old mini greyhound. She had him for a very long time and it was like one of her children. He was blind, refusing food and water. She tried IVs for rehydration but but this task became to hard for her to continue. She hated seeing him suffer so she did what anyone else would do, no more pain for her Rhett. He is now resting and at peace. She always has him in her heart, and took time to move on.
When the time comes you'll know what is right for your love.
It is never easy, but we are here for you!
These threads are always so difficult to read and bring tears to my eyes. They always remind me of my old cats that have passed - and my 14 year old cat that is still doing well, but is getting older by the day.

This time is the saddest and most difficult part of sharing our lives with furry family members. It never gets easier, no matter how many times you have gone through it. But they enrich our lives so much that I would never consider living without them.

The time ahead will not be easy. But try to remember all of the good years together instead of the short, difficult end. And know that you provided a wonderful life for your friend, and that you will be able to share your love with your current pup and with other dogs in the future, because the cost of this painful moment is so much worth what we get in return.

My thoughts are with you.
So sorry to hear you are going through this.
I remember losing my first German shepherd. I had lost other pets before, but I was so little. When Prince passed, it was like losing my brother. We all know how you feel, and I agree with Nanci. I think the best thing I ever read was that our pets pass at such a young age, so that we may open out hearts and homes to another I need.
I know how hard this is, I have had to do it twice. The first was my first German Shepherd, who ended up having a birth defect that I discovered when she was two, the vet gave her up to two years, but she was six years old when she started showing signs that it was time. That was almost 18 years ago.

I had to make the difficult decision to say goodbye to my male German Shepherd the beginning of last March. Only that time I did not have the time, knowing I was going to lose him. He had cancer, and his body compensated for it and he didn't show any signs of being sick. Until his body could not compensate any more.

Cherish every day you have with them, give them unconditional love every day, because they do!

Remember the years you have had with her, and that you have been HER person.

I know it will be very painful, and I know that you will feel like you could never love another dog the same. You can. Their lives are too short, and I hate that, but each dog that has come into my life is very special to me, and they do not take away what previous dogs have meant to me.
I miss Koda every day. At the same time, losing him opened the door for Alexa (German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois) to come into my life. In the nine months I have had her, we have worked through some tough issues and we have formed a bond stronger than I have ever experienced.

Dogs are the best, and if I had the means, I would have more!

Zoey is very lucky to have you!
Thank you all so much.

We are working with the vet on her meds to keep her as comfortable as we can. She clearly is not herself right now. I figured her back would catch up with her eventually I just didn't think it would be this soon.
I know it's not much, but you might could try omega 3 supplements, Just 3, not 6 and 9. Anti inflammatory meds which duh, you do. My old girl takes Rimadyl for her back arthritis on the bad days. Look up inflammatory foods to avoid. A change in diet can work wonders, even for an old and ailing dog. At least it has for me. My Hana really likes the vibrating back massager. If you could afford it, there is a special support harness for mobile dogs with back and leg problems you could look into. Google Mobility brace for active dogs.

I'm right there with you as far as watching them age. Been there once and I'm right back there again. It always makes me feel better to remind myself not to be selfish, they are worth the pain of losing them because of the happy life they have.
So sorry to hear about your little Zoey; I've been there a few times, and know how horrible it is to make those decisions. At times like these, I'm reminded of this:

Others have made some good suggestions; I hope you can get her to a comfort level where she will have a decent quality of life for whatever time she has left. You are a great doggy guardian, and Zoey is lucky to have you!

Thank you for the suggestions :) She's such a great dog.

I have tried the omega 3 without much success. She's on rimadyl now and on a low allergy food. Not sure if it could be contributing.

The vet is wondering if it is neurological which is why her pain medicine is not helping. We're picking up some new meds this evening.
After talking with the vet and doing some research myself, it suddenly hit me that she isn't going to get better. This is most likely a degenerative spinal disease and while we can control the pain we cannot fix it. Eventually she will loose the ability to use her back legs.

I was devastated at first but feeling a bit better now. No way to know for sure how long it will take. The estimate is 6 months to a year is what we have left with her. I'm hoping for an amazing summer with her.
Zoey is having a tough day. She's taken a significant dive. We have an appointment with the neurologist on Monday to hopefully pin down what is going on.
Zoey has crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. It was progressing so quickly. The vet suspects cancer due to the speed she went downhill. She's in a better place now. Thank you all for your support.
Awww. I'm so sorry your sweet Zoey has gone to doggie Heaven. She is watching over you now, as you did for her. Big Hugs!!!