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Getting fit


New member
It's not going so easy. After working full time and going to school nights and weekends, I'm a couch tater. But, no more. And hopefully butt, no more.

So I've been walking in the mornings, and doing garden stuff and playing with the dogs in the evening which is stuff I like to do.
I cannot stand gyms after all those dreadful PE classes in college, yuck.

I do NOT want to hear from youse guys that run five miles a day, but rather from those of you who went from unfit at some point in your life, back to decently fit, how long did it take?
It's not going so easy. After working full time and going to school nights and weekends, I'm a couch tater. But, no more. And hopefully butt, no more.

So I've been walking in the mornings, and doing garden stuff and playing with the dogs in the evening which is stuff I like to do.
I cannot stand gyms after all those dreadful PE classes in college, yuck.

I do NOT want to hear from youse guys that run five miles a day, but rather from those of you who went from unfit at some point in your life, back to decently fit, how long did it take?

I'm in the middle of a big process myself. I've lost 60 pounds over the last year, need to lose a lot more (I'm down to 290, still another 100 pounds or so to go). In my case, going to the gym is the best thing for getting fit, but yeah, it's a struggle. I just started again this week after months and months of not going.

In fact, I've been 'going' to the gym for over 10 years. :p The best thing I've done to lose weight has been to give up pop and juice. I drink a glass of milk in the morning and then just water for the rest of the day. It's made a huge difference.
Working out will only do so much for you. If you're trying to lose weight, the best thing you can do is DIET! Diet is 70% of losing weight and most people overlook this because its much more difficult to do than go for a walk or run everyday. We're a gluttonous society (whoop!) and that makes dieting very difficult in our Western society. So that's my tip I guess.

As for the timing, it depends on how much you want to lose. If you're really trying to push yourself and diet well then the best way to calculate it is to calculate losing 2lbs a week which is the most you should lose in a healthy diet. So if you're wanting to lose 20lbs then you're looking at about 10 weeks. It also depends a lot on your body fat percentage, but that's a whole different discussion.

There's my .02. :)
I'm in the process myself. It's slow going, but I haven't been working on it hardcore. In the past few months I've lost 15 pounds. I've found the best thing is to ease into it gradually. Gradually my eating habits have become healthier, gradually my exercise has increased. I've been contemplating joining one of those 24 hour gyms.
One thing that helps many people, and helped me, is cutting out sugared drinks. Most people drink way too much soda etc. Fruit juice is concentrated sweetness too.
what has helped me is being poor...if I dont' have money I certainly can't buy any food now can I? :grin01:
Working out will only do so much for you. If you're trying to lose weight, the best thing you can do is DIET! Diet is 70% of losing weight and most people overlook this because its much more difficult to do than go for a walk or run everyday. We're a gluttonous society (whoop!) and that makes dieting very difficult in our Western society. So that's my tip I guess.

As for the timing, it depends on how much you want to lose. If you're really trying to push yourself and diet well then the best way to calculate it is to calculate losing 2lbs a week which is the most you should lose in a healthy diet. So if you're wanting to lose 20lbs then you're looking at about 10 weeks. It also depends a lot on your body fat percentage, but that's a whole different discussion.

There's my .02. :)

Whatever diet you choose, it's something you have to be comfortable doing for the rest of your life. If you diet for a while, lost 20 pounds, then go back to what you were doing before, you'll gain the weight back, so before picking a fad diet, decide what it is you want to do.

A healthy diet with lots of vegetables and 6 small meals a day and once a week controlled 'splurges' is good. Starving yourself on a fad diet in desperation is bad.
Also, 2 pounds a week is the fastest that someone can safely loose weight, but someone who changes their lifestyle and starts exercising will usually see a larger drop in the initial days. This is fine. :) Generally since you're being healthier your body is shedding water weight.
I have always been slim until pregnancy in which I gained 60 with each child,lol It took me 6 months to loose it with both and I did it by drinking water only, eating smaller portions, and jogging 3 miles a day, pilates, and 1,000 sit-ups daily. Diet changes will help you loose weight, but without some form of excercise you will loose both fat and muscle which is not a pretty sight. Toning only happens with excercise and unless you like the saggy floppy look cardio and weight training is the only way to go:)

I eat whatever I want in moderation and when I want a soda I drink diet. Another great tip my doc gave me is when people think there hungry their usually actually thirsty and/or bored. Chug a glass of cold icewater and do something- 20 minutes later your not really hungry anymore and if you are try fruit and nuts!!
For me, it was a kickstart in metabolism. It took a summer to get back to feeling in shape - which is far more important than looking the part, I think. I'm not one to diet - I'm a foodie all the way. I do run occasionally (now), but that is mostly as a stress reliever rather than a 'get fit' program. Mostly, I just started getting active. Like what you were talking about - playing with the dogs - romping and chasing, rather than just tossing a toy; going for walks with people I love to talk to so the distance flies by. It doesn't seem like much when you're enjoying yourself so much; but getting healthy isn't just about 'feeling the burn'. :)

My favorite facebook group is called 'No, I'm not a size 0 and yes, I think I look good.' It pretty much mirrors my thoughts on the whole subject. Feeling fit and in shape is pretty dependent on who you are doing this for: yourself, or the people you think you need to impress.

It feels good Lucille I promise. I'm not a size 0 and think thats too thin IMO. I am a 3/4, but at 5 foot 4 its a decent size. Try pilates to ease your way in- its great, low impact, and works wonders on your body as far as toning goes:)
It feels good Lucille I promise. I'm not a size 0 and think thats too thin IMO. I am a 3/4, but at 5 foot 4 its a decent size. Try pilates to ease your way in- its great, low impact, and works wonders on your body as far as toning goes:)

Yoga is relaxing and you can start at a beginner level and work your way up, too!
Yoga rocks!!! Other rules I live by are: if it comes out of a box or window don't eat it, if it comes from the freezer section don't eat it, and if it isn't canned by you don't eat it. You'll avoid sugar, salt, countless calories, an added fat easily this way.
if it comes from the freezer section don't eat it,

I'd be dead...

A low sodium diet, like the DASH diet, will make you lose weight because food that is low in sodium is generally low in calories, too. Plus you have to work very hard to eat as many servings of all the stuff you're supposed to eat! I never felt hungry on it. It's extremely healthy. The tough part is making ANY diet change a lifestyle, not a temporary thing.

One thing that really helped me, when I was in the mood to lose weight, which I currently am not, is counting calories. There are all sorts of cool programs for that now. If you burn more than you take in, you're going to lose weight. That's the bottom line.

Like I always say, "I'd do anything to lose weight except diet and exercise!"