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Going off the grid


Memento semper
What do you all think of this concept.


Som' people see it as a conservationist strategy, eliminate you carbon footprint.

Other see it as a component in a survival strategy, along with growing your own food, to basically survive in the face of a disaster.


Personally Iam taking a few steps at a time towards being self sufficient...because I feel its the right/smart thing to do...I also acknowledge that not everyone has even thought about it...lol

what do you guys think.... smart idea...or paranoia?
I actually LIKE the idea, however, it would indeed be a monumental task for me to do. I'd have to win the lottery first! LOL. If one could do it, I wonder how much they'd save yearly?
There are numbers published som'where...

also its not just a savings Its a money MAKER....

my inlaws excess solar electricity is purchased by the electric company.

It is a massive investment, like $40,000 for example for solar power for a home...but it does pay off eventually.

If I win the lotto Iam getting solar...hands down.

its also a lot of simpler stuff...growing your own food...collecting rainwater...etc etc...I just had a rain barrel put in, and if I like it I will invest in more.
it would be awesome to do, if you could afford the initial investment. i have heard of a guy from one of my brothers. he has a windmill and some solar panels. and he makes money off it. and still has all the power he wants. and when he doesnt make any power he can still get it from the grid and doesnt they just take some of his energy at no cost later then. or thats how i understood it as.
There are numbers published som'where...

also its not just a savings Its a money MAKER....

my inlaws excess solar electricity is purchased by the electric company.

It is a massive investment, like $40,000 for example for solar power for a home...but it does pay off eventually.

If I win the lotto Iam getting solar...hands down.

its also a lot of simpler stuff...growing your own food...collecting rainwater...etc etc...I just had a rain barrel put in, and if I like it I will invest in more.
Oh, I know about the money making part of it... I had a friend who did the same. Its the initial investment that is the killer for me. As for growing one's own food and rain barrels. I like the idea... but I can't even keep a potted plant alive... :(

I guess if my wife and I REALLY did some hard soul searching and made some commitments, we could/would do it and enjoy it. If I won the lottery, I'd get my parent's house fixed up as well!