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Erotic Bagle
After a prolonged interest in snakes, and about two months of research, I finally decided on getting a corn snake.
My current set-up includes a ten gallon tank with a locking mesh lid, a 100-watt heat lamp (I have a digital thermometer with a probe set up in the bottom of the substrate on the heated side, which measures 84 degrees pretty consistantly, and the cool side is about 72 degrees), and two ceramic hides, one on the warm and one on the cool side of the tank, a nice little water bowl, a climbing branch...
And finally the snake! He's a mottled sunglow hatchling, about fourteen inches in length, and is a charming little fellow. I didn't realize snakes had quite the depth of personality they do, having never owned one in my life. I did, however, come into the ownership of an iguana when I was ten years old, and had a difficult time caring for it as it was meant as a Christmas gift, and I had no previous knowledge of reptiles at the time, and this was my only other experience owning herps.
Back to my little corn! :) I brought him home last Thursday, and it's been a week that I've had the pleasure of learning how to care for him. He's responded to the ten to fifteen minute sessions of handling a day quite well, but since I fed him yesterday I'm not going to handle him for at least three days, as that's what I've read you're supposed to do up to three days after they've fed. I change the water every day (with bottled spring water only), and the substrate of paper towels is changed every other day, unless there's fecal matter present, upon which I change it immediately.
Speaking of his first feeding, it went very well: Yesterday, which is when I fed him, I first got a small clean tupperware container, and then took a frozen pinky and thawed it in a sealed plastic bag under hot water for a few minutes until good and warm, and then set it in the tupperware, and carefully washed my hands (I've read it's good to clean the smell of a rodent off your hands before handling a snake or else they might be tempted to strike at you thinking you're food), then I placed Snakey (as I've dubbed him until a good name comes up), into his feeding tupperware. He paused, flicked his tongue to check out the new environment, and pretty much immediately went for the pinky, and within a minute he was devouring it! It went down with no problems, which has really bolstered my confidence that I might just be able to be a decent herp owner! :rolleyes:
Anyway, I've been lurking around reading many of the helpful posts on these forums for a few weeks now, and decided to make myself known. I hope to be posting quite a bit on cornsnakes.com from now on, and am glad to have finally become acquainted with the awesome, adorable, beautiful, adaptive, and ever so cute world of corns!
sounds like your doing good so far. congrats on your first corn snake and welcome to the forum. As Im sure you already know, this is a great place to find out information about your snake and to ask questions. Lots of friendly people here willing to help out when its needed. If you get a chance, post a pic of your snake. We're always happy to see new additions.
Oh there shall be pictures...as soon as my snakey stops being so shy and starts coming out of his hides more. :grin01:
So I finally got around to getting some pics of my little snakey! ^_^ It only took forever and a day for some okay shots to turn out (I'm using an ancient Canon Powershot...an A310 actually), and even the quality of these pics is still, well...sub-par.

I came home at about ten tonight, and went in to turn his heat lamp off, when I paused to see Snakey was out and about in his tank! This is unsual as, up until now, he's been fairly shy and retiring. Tonight he was cruising around, tongue flicking, checking things out and rearing up on his 'tippy tail' (instead of tippy toe, since snakes don't have toes) and attempting to check out the top of the tank. Cutest thing ever!

Anywho, hope you all enjoy:



Why thankyou! I've come up with a name for my corn, which is 'Toulouse', named after a city in France. Plus I just liked the sound of it.
Cute little guy you have there! So far, it sounds like you're following everything PERFECTLY!! Perfect temps, hide boxes, feeding environment, handling schedule... absolutely everything! Kudos to you for being such a responsible pet owner!!!! :cheers:

Just one little side note... I believe that I've read somewhere that it's not good to give your corn bottled/distilled water because of the chemicals and the lack of nutrients it has when compared to what regular water contains. The best thing to do is just to use tap water that is given 24+ hours to let all the chemicals & chlorine evaporate. Somebody please correct me if I'm incorrect as I'd hate to give you false information, but I'm fairly sure that that's the case. :)

Anywho, congrats on the new addition to your family... the addiction begins. :grin01:

It's actually water obtained from a naturally occuring well pretty close to my house. And it's for human consumption so I'm fairly certain it'd be safe for Toulouse, and there's a label above the well that says it's non-chlorinated and free of chemicals. Is it still not good for snakes if it comes from an artesian well? :shrugs:
I read somewhere that Mineral water (not bottled drinking water) is the best thing to give your snake, i may be wrong.

I also heard that normal tap water can contain parasites that do not harm humans but could have a detremental effect on snakes.
