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He is a She lol


New member
I used to breed pythons and boas but i got out of it and just started breeding corn snake and im liking it so for. i have had snakes my entire life and im starting to think corns are my favorite by far. i have a few corns now and a bairds rat snake i got from my dad who is also a breeder in chicago. i was given a 2 1/2-3ft male corn snake from someone who did not want it anymore. they were going to kill it if they couldnt find someone to take it so i took it. i put it in with my 5ft charcoal male; thinking it would be ok for a few days till i got a new cage for it, but i was wrong. 2 months later and the he (what i was told) turned into a female and laid 8 healthy eggs today. no duds!! even when i thought it was a male i didnt want to breed it till next season because its a little on the small size to breed now. i had a funny feeling it was a female when it stopped eating a month ago and kept getting bigger. she shed about 1 and a half weeks ago (pre lay shed) so i put a lay box in her cage and its a good thing i did!


Awesome, congrats, and nice pics! Good luck with incubating, I'm at 7 and 8 weeks for my clutches, talk about anxious.
thank and i am too but i have 2 months to go lol. this isnt my first clutch by any means but this is my first one with corns. i have the temp for the eggs at 82 and the humidity is around 80% so im good with those. i noticed that one of the eggs has a small indent on the top now and im not sure why. i used a flash light and you can see viens in the egg so i know its fretile. ill just have to keep an eye on them and see what happens
Congrats on your first Corn eggs.:)
The indent ... if any eggs start getting dents, it means that they need more humidity.
Covering them, with a bit of barely damp (very well wrung out) sphagnum moss will help. This can be permanent or temporary (temporary meaning that, if you "up" the humidity enough, you may not need to leave them covered).
I'm glad everything is alright with her lay. But why would you put a new snake in with your own snake without knowing the gender or a quarantine period? She could've spread an infection or mites.
i checked the snake for mites,mouth rot and scale rot and she has healthy. the guy that give it to me said he sexed it and it was a male. the only reason i put it with my other male was lack of any other option at the time. figured 2 males together for a couple of days would be fine till i got a cage for the new one. i ended up with 8 healthy eggs so im not complaining to much. i upped the humidity and have moss on top of the eggs now to help with the humidity and other than 2 of them being slightly indented, the still look healthy and have good color. candled them last night and all are fertile still so i think theyll be just fine. fingers crossed. cant wait to see what comes out of the eggs. dads a charcoal and moms a normal but i dont know if shes het for anything.
i upped the humidity and have moss on top of the eggs now to help with the humidity and other than 2 of them being slightly indented, the still look healthy and have good color.

That's great. You should see the slightly indented eggs plump right back up in no time.:)
congrats, i hope my possible accidental breeding turns out as well. she's beautiful by the way. how did you get into breeding? are the benefits worth the risks?