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Hello from SoFlo!

Hi! i just joined and figured i could introduce myself... I have 2 corn snakes right now (eventually more, but it takes time for an 18 year old to sort out priorities... lol). my first corn snake i got a few years ago, but it was more on impulse and kinda lost interest, but a few months ago my interest came back (this time to stay!) and did some research and realized my poor snake was stunted and underweight, due to my ignorance... i felt terrible :awcrap: so i vowed that i would do anything i could to help him regain his growth rate and weight. we hit some 'speed bumps' along the way (including his grand 2 week escape into the magnet building at my high school, and a bad habit of swallowing river rocks, among other things) but now he is a healthy adult snake, albeit on the small side for his age (still growing). His name is Reggie, and he is an Okeetee corn snake; the one in my profile pic.

after getting his health back under control, i decided to get a second snake to live with him, and that's where Sarabi comes in! Sarabi is a November 2010 Ultramel Motley, with a very strange pattern (some variation in pattern, but most likely genetically still a motley), and she gets along great with Reggie! she lived at my school for a while to make sure she was healthy and growing before coming home to meet Reggie. I cant wait until she's older to see her adult colors!

Tell me what you think of them! btw, i'm planning to do my first breeding when the season comes around... Reggie to an Abbotts Okeetee currently living at my (former) high school! i've introduced them to each other a few times already, and she seems to really like him (following him around, little nudges, tickling him with her tongue, etc), and he's still a little unsure, but starting to take an interest...

^This is Reggie's album^

^This is Sarabi's album

Let me know what you think, both compliments and constructive critism are welcome! P.S. after a second look, they seem a little thin in these pics... i'll post more recent pics soon
No link to Sarabi's album but Reggie is very pretty. Glad you got his health back under control and are working on his weight now. :)

If you are cohabbing these guys I would DEFINITELY go purchase another tank and separate them. I'm sure others will tell you the same. There are threads about cohabbing nightmares (like snakes eating one another) that you can search for and read on the forum. I'm not picking on you but snakes are solitary animals and cohabbing them is asking for bad trouble.

Welcome to the forums!
guy is right and of course to research before you breed lots of it it will take you a year to really get the grips of breeding. congrats and welcome
and thanks for the warm welcoming! from another thread i made, i've decided to separate the two... the thread is under behavior titled "Increasingly Bitey Snake" since Reggie is beginning to develop a biting habit...
I'm so happy to hear you've decided to separate them!! It will be best for all involved.