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Help...Mating Behavior???


New member
Hi there,
I have 2 corn snakes that are housed together...I never bothered finding out their sexes because I had no plans to breed them. However, now I'm curious as to what they are doing. They are jerking/schootching all around the cage togehter...don't look like they are fighting..and are making quite a racket. They kind of seem to be twisting around each other...could they be mating? If they are what do I do with them??? Thanks for any advice you might have!!!!

you seperate them as quickly as you can. they should be housed in different tanks. snakes are solitary creatures by nature and housing two of them together can cause stress (which can weaken their immune system and also cause other problems like non-eating behaviour to mention one). its possible of they are male and female. Im sure someone who has bred corns can answer the mating question better than me.

::now sits back and waits for the flame war to begin::
Yea, they probably are mating. Well first you should separate them. How old are they? Also read up on cohabitation, you can use the search function at the top of the main page. Even if they have never hurt each other, they could.
They're mating. Separate them. The female's probably going to lay eggs in 4-6 weeks, and the stress of having the male chase her around while she's carrying them could cause a serious health risk. Since you don't intend to breed, I would dispose of the eggs after they are laid. Throw them in a wooded area, and scavengers will get them. House the snakes apart from now on to keep it from happening again. Keep feeding the female normally until she stops eating before the eggs are laid. If there are eggs she will probably lay them 1-2 weeks after her next shed. After the eggs are laid, resume feeding with smaller-than-normal meals for three or four feedings. Good luck.
I've had them for over three years...is there an easy way to sex them to know? Although I really don't believe they are fighting. They've been housed together the whole time I've had them and never acted that stressed - they eat, poop, shed, etc.

just because they dont "show" stress, doesn't mean it isn't there. Besides, its healthier for them in the long run. :)

Just curious, did you get them as hatchlings? and what color morphs are they?
Ha Ha...I thought about that after the fact...seperate them and you'll know who's who. Hopefully Ike stays Ike and Tina stays Tina!!! :) Yep, I got them when they were babies...don't have any pics on this computer and don't remember what the technical names are but I can describe them and post a pic later. Ike is kind of tan with red/brown spots circled in black and Tina is light orange with darker orange spots...not the best description!!! I'll try and find some pics later!!!
