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help, sneezing, hanging out tongue yawning like crazy


New member
My corn snake was climbing on my hands then I lifted her near water bowl so she could drink some water but she didn't want to. Then She started to yawn and sneeze and manipulate her tongue. I put her down immediately. She did this yawning stuff for like 1 minute. I was scared to death. I've seen that she sneeze for few times after drinking(especially when she drunk with whole head under water) also I've seen her yawning and sometimes her tongue bit gum together also after drinking but usually it lasts just few seconds. This time it was almost minute and she even didn't drink before! Please help what it could be?
well she slept for 5 minutes yawn for few times then drunk some water sneezed(in usual manner) and right now she is flicker her tongue again but not as much as usualy yet.
I think I had the same problem a couple of threads down. I raised the temps a little and put him back in the viv and left him for 24 hours.

He seems perfectly fine now.

Hope your corn is feeling better soon.
She still open mouth like 10 times in day. Maybe some where in mouth is jamed some piece of corn granule. Maybe I should try to feed her. Is it possible that this little granule is jam in place where her tongue is in. ( sorry that I don't know how does it call ). But now she is very calm. I can see that one side of her jaw is not exactly in right place. So if I would feed her and if problems is with her jaw: it should help right?
In that case I hope it's something as simple as she is just trying to re-set her jaw - they do yawn to do that.. Although it does sound a bit excessive to be just that. Keep us posted.
Hi all!
She didn't eat anything but I think that the main reason is that she already got 5 mouses in last week and she don't eat so often. So I can see that one side of jaw is nor in the best place. She sometimes open her mouse, but no more sneezing. She looks better be little bit evasive. So she drinks VERY much, but for now it's looks that she is doing better.
Five mice in one week?! Thats a lot, how big is she? Are we talking five pinkys or five adult mice? Hope she get better soon. ;)

She is 5 ft. (148cm) long and 2 years old. I give her 5 medium mouses and it's for 2 weeks. She is still growing :D


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Is it just me, or is that pretty massive for a corn in general, let alone one that's only two years old?
well, someone needs to be blunt... carry on like that and your snake will die.. simple as that.
5 mice is far too much, even if you think she wants it, its too much.
once she stops growing in length, she will justget really fat.
i would advise one large mouse a week, maybe 2 every 10 days tops..
people have different ways and methods, but i think most will agree that this snake is over fed.
no no it just looks so. She is slim. It just looks so in that picture because he have just eaten mouses... Ok I'll try to feed her less. Thanks. She is now doing ok. Could it be that she got this problems because of to many mouses?
i doubt the amount of food would cause a potential cold.
i have had some with colds, i have one now still.. its not too hard to sort out, but if you have a big ish collection then it can be hard to fully get rid of it from all of them, it is taking time.
reinholds said:
Maybe some where in mouth is jamed some piece of corn granule.
The over-feeding isn't a good thing, but this is even worse. I hope you're not using corn-cob bedding for substrate. It's one of the worst choices for substrate out there. My first corn died of an impaction from the stuff. I don't care if you feed her elsewhere or not, I'd still get her off that stuff. Can't go wrong with aspen shavings.
Hi All!
I bought her new substrates. Is it ok with Exo-Terra Forest Bark . I found it in local zoo shop. All other was made from pine, but this one from fir. There wasn't anything else. Can corn snake live in that substrate?
No- fir and pine, along with other stong smelling woods- can kill a corn. Aspen is the best choice, or Repti-Bark is alright I hear.
But there is no other king of substrates... Ok she wont be dead after one night? So this corn granules would be better than fir. I doesn't smell much and in this company web page is written that it's good for ALL reptiles...
The corn would be better, yes... And if your in a pinch, you can also use newpaper, which should be fine fore it (probably actually your best option).
I'm bit confused - don't corn snakes live in pine-dominated forests? Here is link! So if she lives in pine forests what could happen with fir which is less smelling tree.