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Help with my head scratcher


Michelle's Candied Corns!
Okay, so I had paired Arizona several times with my boys, and never witnessed a copulation. I gave up after a while because I had other successful locks with a few other pairs. Arizona, however, for the last month (or more) has looked very very gravid. She has had a lay box for what seems like forever, and she shed almost 3 weeks ago and there is no signs of anything. Do you think these are slugs?? I am so boggled, because, to me, the lumps are plain as day with 11-12 of them countable. Help?

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The pics are not that great because I was trying to hold her in one hand and take pics with the other, so the lumps are not so obvious as in person

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I had the same thing happen with one of my girls last year and I could swear they were eggs in her ready for her to lay. For some strange reason when she didn't lay after a few weeks after her last shed, I decided to toss a male in with her just to see and she ended up locking up then. I was told that they were just the folicles that I felt even though they were huge and I could count them when I held her up in the air.
Interesting, she still won't lock with either of the boys I've tried her with >.>
That's okay. I think One of my other girls is going to explode and she will probably fill my entire 32 tub rack o.e
I totally see what you are talking about. I think she is gravid too, put a lay box in and see what happens!

This was a weird spring, both of my girls were gravid and being a newbie (1.5 years, 6 corns, no breeding plans ever) I had no idea or knew what to do, Scarlett refused food and went bonkers in her viv until she laid 8 slugs in the substrate, then Snow was being a total witch and striking the glass if anyone even came near her tank. I tried to feel for eggs, but felt nothing. Once I figured it out and gave her a lay box she went in, laid 12 tiny slugs, crawled out and died (she was 13). I feel so horrible that I didn't know and didn't provide the necessary comforts and needs, but I really didn't think that was it since all of my corns went off feeding and acted crazy.
She definitely has a lay box, I put it in quite a while ago o.o
I just always an hoping for eggs and they're never there!