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Herp vet in DFW?


New member
Does anyone know if there is a herp vet in the DFW area in Texas? I think my corn snake may be sick. I noticed the other day that if I held his head close to me ear I could hear him breathe. Figured I'd wait and check him again in a day or two in case it was just a fluke or something.

Well, today I took him out for feeding and I could hear him easily, in my hands and then when I set him in the bathtub (which is where I feed him, because it's easier :p). He sounded just like someone trying to breathe when they're congested.

So I guess I need to get him checked out asap. I'll check online too, but figured I'd post here in case anyone could recommend a good vet.
Is he getting ready to shed, or has he recently shed? You could turn his heat up to 88-90F or so while you are waiting to get in to the vet.
I did let my Draco take a warm swim in the tub when he was a bit congested. He shed in my hands and since then I have heard no snuffling. I AM still going to take him to the vet. But the soonest they could schedule me is tomorrow. Thanks for all the advice guys and don't take this the wrong way but none of you are herp vets. I think I'll go with what the doc says.

Good luck finding a vet and let us know what happens. The herp vet in my area, people rave about. Hope the one you find is the same!

Yeah, I read on another post that it could be a retained shed, and he did shed back on the 27th of February, but I'd rather not take the chance since I've never had this happen before. Luckily it turns out the vet clinic down the street from me has TWO herp vets! And here I thought I'd have to drive all over town trying to find one. XD I've got an appointment tomorrow afternoon, so I'll let ya know what happens. Thanks guys. =)
Just got back from Spyro's appointment. Went well, I think. Dr. Gwynn didn't see or hear any problems, said he seemed healthy. She went ahead and prescribed some antibiotic injections just to be careful, since things can go downhill from a little wheezing pretty quick. She showed me how to actually do the injections, every other day, four injections total (well, five when you include the one she did), so hopefully I can manage it! Didn't look difficult, and Spyro just squirmed a little. Gave a little mental "awww" for him, though, 'cause I hate shots too.

I'll be keeping a closer eye on him for the next week as well as keeping his heat up. Poor little guy's gonna be hungry though, the doc suggested I wait until after finishing the injections before feeding him again. Good thing he's at a good weight. Last ate on the 5th of this month, so he'll be fine.

Thanks for your concern; I'll keep y'all updated. =)
Our Jewels is in blue and you can feel her breathing and hear her. But of course as big as she is, it is a wonder you all can't hear her! But it is neat to feel her breath on your skin when you hold her. Now that I know it may have to do with shedding, I will keep a close eye out when she sheds to be sure she doesn't have any issues.
One shot left, tomorrow, then antibiotics are done! I'm sure Spyro will be happy about that, he hates them. He's never struck before, but I wouldn't have blamed him if he had decided to do so now, it looks like those shots hurt. Last night I heard a little whistling, but it was right after a shot, so I think it was just because he was a little stressed and taking very deep breaths (you know, where their sides really inflate/deflate). Other than that I haven't heard anything irregular in his breathing. Could be he was never sick, maybe there was just a bit of retained shed skin in his nose that I couldn't see. *shrug* If so, I don't mind being wrong. ;) I'll be keeping a close eye on Spyro even after the final shot tomorrow, just to make sure that he's doing* okay.

*wow...took me three tries to spell that. that's kinda sad.
lmao, well I guess Spyro lucked out. Today was supposed to be his final injection, but I couldn't get the @#! plunger to push down! I thought maybe it was because there was an air bubble in the shot, so I tried to tap the bubble to the top then push that out, so that the fluid would then be able to come out. It asploded. XD I pushed the plunger down, used a little more force when still nothing happened, then the whole tip just popped off and flew across the room. I assume the antibiotic fluid is either on the floor, or maybe on the ceiling. lol..

Oh well. Spyro had four shots, may or may not have been sick. I'll keep an eye on him, offer him food sometime this weekend, and just see how he does.
I did let my Draco take a warm swim in the tub when he was a bit congested. He shed in my hands and since then I have heard no snuffling. I AM still going to take him to the vet. But the soonest they could schedule me is tomorrow. Thanks for all the advice guys and don't take this the wrong way but none of you are herp vets. I think I'll go with what the doc says.

Good luck finding a vet and let us know what happens. The herp vet in my area, people rave about. Hope the one you find is the same!


I have NEVER heard anyone on here say to not go to the vet. Everyone always tells me and every poster I have read that if they are truely concerned to seek a vet. Everything I have read has been advice with a note that a vet trip may be required so I am confused bu your snip about no one here being a vet. And honestly, how would you know if one of us was??

Everyone should have a herp vet before they get their snakes. I'm sorry but its common sense to know of a vet that can treat your pet before you get one so you do not have it die due to wrong treatment or no treatment. Just my oppinion.
I have NEVER heard anyone on here say to not go to the vet. Everyone always tells me and every poster I have read that if they are truely concerned to seek a vet. Everything I have read has been advice with a note that a vet trip may be required so I am confused bu your snip about no one here being a vet. And honestly, how would you know if one of us was??

Everyone should have a herp vet before they get their snakes. I'm sorry but its common sense to know of a vet that can treat your pet before you get one so you do not have it die due to wrong treatment or no treatment. Just my oppinion.

Indeed, I should have searched for one before getting Spyro. Luckily I live in the Metroplex, rather than some small one horse town, so was able to find a vet quickly.

I haven't heard any odd breathing sounds from Spyro since, however I offered multiple mice with no luck. But tonight, finally, Spyro ate a mouse. I had to put him in a small tank with the mouse for an hour or two, but at least he finally broke his fast. Last time he fed was 2/27, then a little after that the odd breathing sounds started, the injections, etc.