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Holiday Food Report Card


New member
Real Egg Nog.......................................Mmmmmm
Commercial Fruit Cake...........................Ick
Honey Baked Ham................................Mmmmm
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......Ick
Homemade wedding cake cookies............Mmmmmmm
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................Ick

What do you think about holiday food?
Real Egg Nog.......................................Yech
Commercial Fruit Cake...........................Yech
Honey Baked Ham................................Double Mmmmm
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......Can be tasty
Homemade wedding cake cookies............What are these??
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................Ditto.

You forgot Green Been Casserole... the kind with French's dried onions on top? We don't eat at my grandma's anymore and I miss that.
Real Egg Nog.......................................Yech
Commercial Fruit Cake...........................Yech
Honey Baked Ham................................Double Mmmmm
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......Can be tasty
Homemade wedding cake cookies............What are these??
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................Ditto.

You forgot Green Been Casserole... the kind with French's dried onions on top? We don't eat at my grandma's anymore and I miss that.

My list was not all inclusive, please report on all the holiday foods you have liked/disliked.

The wedding cake cookies seem to be sold around here a lot at Christmas, maybe it is just a local thing?http://mexicanfood.about.com/od/sweetsanddesserts/r/mexweddingcake.htm
Real Egg Nog.......................................Ughhhh :p
Commercial Fruit Cake...........................don't like that either
Honey Baked Ham................................okay :/
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......haha the 'strange' doesn't add to the appeal
Homemade wedding cake cookies............good, but messy :S
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................never had boxed ones.

....those cheap swedish butter cookies....mmmm!!
Real Egg Nog.......................................Mmmmmm
Any Fruit Cake....................................Ick
Honey Baked Ham................................Ick
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......Mmmmmmm
Homemade wedding cake cookies............WTH?
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................WTH?
Real Egg Nog.......................................Gross!
Commercial Fruit Cake...........................Never had
Honey Baked Ham................................OHGODILOVEHAM
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......What?
Homemade wedding cake cookies............Double what?
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................Triple what?
I have a few holiday traditions that I either love or hate:

Cranberry dressing.....ick
Mexican wedding cake cookies......mmmmmm, especially with mini choco cihps!
Green Bean casserole........ick
Fruit cake........................disgusting
Pizzelles (homemade only)....Mmmmmm
Honeybaked ham....Mmmmmm
egg nog........N/A...has never passed my lips
Grocery cookies of any kind.....ick
A short philosophical interlude here.

I feel like I'm just like everyone else. And basicly, organisms like good stuff and hate bad stuff. (Now THERE'S a broad view of life :roflmao:)

I made eggnog a couple days ago.
Sweetened heavy whipped cream with foamy whipped eggs and bourbon carefully folded in and nutmeg on top. Served in a crystal dessert glass, thick, sweet, wonderful.

How could anyone not like that?
Real Egg Nog.......................................Mmmmmm
Commercial Fruit Cake...........................Ick of any kind
Honey Baked Ham.................................Ick
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......Ick
Homemade wedding cake cookies............if it's a cookie then Mmmmm
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................Mmmmmmm

I remember ..rock candy too. Ick ick Ick.
I made eggnog a couple days ago.
Sweetened heavy whipped cream with foamy whipped eggs and bourbon carefully folded in and nutmeg on top. Served in a crystal dessert glass, thick, sweet, wonderful.

How could anyone not like that?

With booze??
Real Egg Nog.......................................Ick
Commercial Fruit Cake...........................Ick
Honey Baked Ham................................ Ick (had a bad experience last x-mas :[)
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......Ick
Homemade wedding cake cookies............Mmmmmmm
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................Ick

Some common holiday foods that my family serves every year:

Deviled eggs.........................Mmm
Real mashed potatoes.............Mmm
Cranberry sauce....................Ick
Pecan Pie.............................Mmm
Heavily-buttered rolls.............Mmm
Real Eggnog... YUM
Fruit cake... YUCK
Ham of any kind.. YUM
Strange colored coolwhip. Never had those desserts.
Wedding cake cookies of any kind... never heard of em.

Sweet potato cassarole..YUM!
Turkey(yes, we grew up with the exact same meal at christmas as we had on thanksgiving). YUM
Mashed potato's...YUCK.
Mom's homemade stuffing..TRIPLE YUM!
frozen peas.. yum.
pecan pie.. YUM, YUM, YUM!!!
Smoked Turkey...ick but better than no turkey
Cranberry Sauce (homemade or canned)....yum!! Essential!!
Giblet Gravy...yum!! Essential!!!
Mashed Potatoes...Yum!!! Essential!!
Green Bean Casserole...Yum!!
Lime Jello Salad (funny colored Cool Whip)...Traditional
Sweet Potatos, any style...Traditional
Pumpkin Pie...Yum!!
Pecan Pie...Ick!! (Although I think the one time I actually tried it I liked it)
Mince Meat Pie....WTH is it??? Traditional in my family. Never tried.
Black Olives...Essential!!
Rolls...Who needs to waste calories on them?
Dressing...Essential!! Don't make any weird kind!!
With booze??

1 pint heavy cream
2 eggs, separated
3/4 cup sugar

Whip the heavy cream until peaks form
In another bowl, beat egg whites until dry
In another bowl, beat yolks and sugar

With mixer on medium, mix yolks and sugar into the whipped cream, then beat in egg whites. Add about 3 shots of bourbon and quickly mix them in.

This will be very thick, creamy and delicious. Spoon into crystal dessert glasses, sprinkle with nutmeg, and serve.
Real Egg Nog......................................Ewww dairy sucks
Commercial Fruit Cake...........................Nasty
Honey Baked Ham................................No meat eaters here
Strange colored cool whip fruit salads......No artificial dyes for me
Homemade wedding cake cookies............Never heard of them
Boxed commercial wc cookies.................huh?